Blockchain Vs. Traditional Databases



In my previous article, I discussed the core components of Blockchain. Today I would like to discuss the differences between Blockchain and Traditional Databases.


First, I would highlight the key feature name and then would talk about the major differences on the basis of that key feature.


Databases: client and server model.

Blockchain: Decentralized and Distributed.


Blockchain: No intermediaries in Blockchain, transactions are verifiable by independent nodes operating in the network.

Database: Central Authority processes and verifies transactions at a location on central server.

Integrity and Transparency

Blockchain: Public verifiability enforces integrity and total transparency. In the blockchain, we can rely on the network of participants to ensure the integrity of the system. Also, transparency is complete since all the participants can have a single view of the existing data.

Database: Database administrators maintain integrity, transparency is fairly limited to the external world.

Real-Time Data Availability

Blockchain: It holds current as well as prior information i.e. historical data and records.

Database: It provides a snapshot of the information at a specific moment of time. So real-time information might not be available as it is currently being processed.

Performance & Speed

Blockchain: The nature of the blockchain itself requires that speed has to be sacrificed. Blockchain performs all functions performed by a database and along with it performs more additional tasks which make transaction processing slow i.e. Signature verification, Consensus mechanism, and redundant processing. These three features of Blockchain makes transaction processing slow.

Database: Database fairly scores far better than Blockchain in performance and speed. As databases have been there for quite a long time they have evolved a lot. There is no need for signature verification as once the authentication process complete with the remote database work can proceed without any interruption. Moreover, the transactions are processed by the central server hence no consensus mechanism and redundant processing is required.

Robustness & Endurance

Blockchain: In terms of robustness blockchain scores far better than Databases as there is no single point of failure. All participating systems/nodes should come down to bring the system down. This is highly unlikely to happen where all nodes would be brought down at a single time.

Database: Centralized databases are prone to a single point of failure issues. High availability and robustness are being achieved through the use of expensive infrastructure, replications, and disaster recovery mechanisms.

Maintenance Costs

Blockchain: Initial set up cost is high but later ongoing hardware costs to maintain the network are low.

Database: Huge cost is involved in setting up redundancies and disaster recovery mechanism.

So, these are the major factors which we should consider if we are looking to figure out what is best for us from traditional databases and the Blockchain. If we know what type of data do I want to store then it helps in ruling out one from the picture with the help of the above points.

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Note: This article is based on the author’s research and knowledge of database and blockchain technology. Please, do share your own views.



The Capital

Coder, Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain Engineer, AI & Data Science Enthusiastic