The Blip after the Boom : Unfolding the Startup Boom

Apoorva Kumar
3 min readDec 4, 2018


Why be in the navy, when you can be the pirate?

-Steve Jobs

This one statement encapsulates the trajectory of the new world thinking, doesn’t it?

Why conform to norms when you can create them?

Why settle when you can reach?

Why adjust when you can change the system?

This very attitude sits at the root of every budding idea, vision or a solution emerging each minute of every day. This attitude fuels the belief that the very same idea, vision or solution has the potential to be the ultimate game changer.

Questions are being asked.

Solutions are being pursued.

Opportunities are being created.

Finally, after a long time, our grey matter has been put to exhaustive use and we owe it all to the Start-Up Boom. The boom that is responsible for disrupting the pre-existing eco-system that relied on a structured approach. The boom that challenges the very core of every organization and pushes you beyond your set goals and mission.The boom that allows every individual to dream, and that to BIG.

Where Google is the firstborn of a startup success story way back in 1998, there are about 300 million people individually trying to start about 150 million businesses in the form of startups just in 2018 alone, quotes Moya K Mason, contributor at Harvard Business Review.

It was almost like the boom leveled the playing field, forcing the big organizations to succumb and accept the disruption, and giving small ventures a chance to make their own mark.

The increase in product ideas created a buzz among the investor community. VCs and Angel Investors wanted to jump onto this alluring bandwagon of Start-Ups, now more than ever. Every VC wanted to discover and invest in the next Uber or Airbnb.

But there was a catch. An ecosystem which is literally expanding by the minute is so dated in terms of technology to support the expansion, that inefficiencies are creeping in at every level.

Till date, entrepreneurs don’t know how to navigate the venture capitalist landscape. Not only that, even the investors aren’t aware of the different entrepreneurial landscapes waiting to get discovered. An ecosystem that was built on the concept of change, prefers reverting back to offline searches and connections to carry out the execution and implementation of ideas and investments.

Let me paint you a picture.

While an aspiring entrepreneur might have the million dollar idea, there is an imminent lack of tools designed to aid and assist the scaling of the idea.

Is just having an idea enough?

Is there a process involved with idea pitching?

Who does he pitch the idea to?

These are literally the first set of many questions that arise in every aspiring entrepreneur mind, and unfortunately, there is no one-stop solution to address these basic queries.

The ecosystem today is in dire need of unlocking the potential in terms of new technology. Technology that is designed to not only improve investment performances, trim costs by automating “back office” processes but also aid and abet the entrepreneurs in their startup scaling journey. The thriving of the ecosystem is dependent on the bridging of the gap between acceptance and adaptability by means of technology.

The big question that still remains to be addressed is,

Is it time that we create breakthrough technology instead of incremental improvements?



Apoorva Kumar

Waiting for my writing to pay my bills. Follow TheCapitalNet publications to witness my work .