By E.C Obiorah (DeOldMan)

The Chapters
The Chapters
4 min readFeb 6, 2024


Photo by tribesh kayastha on Unsplash

Welcome to LET’S DISCUSS, where we tackle issues that bother the heart and life’s biggest challenges with a dash of humour.

Today, we shall be exploring the story of how one can transform lives by the power of personal change. Therefore relax because we have an intriguing story for you.


There was a period in a realm managed by a brave ruler.
The ruler chose to branch out and investigate his realm, drawing in with his subjects and seeing their success. In any case, after returning, the ruler was troubled with torment in his feet from the long excursion.
He imparted his concern to his authorities, identifying with his kin who likewise needed to get through such distress. While trying to reduce his kin’s misery, the ruler requested his workers to cover every one of the streets with cowhide, yet his authorities were surprised by the ramifications of the lord’s structure, understanding the penances it would require, they thusly proposed to the lord that there could be a more straightforward choice, which is as opposed to covering the streets, he can basically wear a couple of calfskin shoes to safeguard his own feet and afterward urge everybody to get one for themselves.
The ruler was satisfied by his authority’s other option and recognized their insight. So the ruler expeditiously requested a couple of cowhide shoes for him and encouraged his kin to do likewise. Thus, the realm utilized the force of individual change, and changed the existences of its kin.



This topic emphasizes the idea that personal change can have a positive ripple effect on the world around you. So, in order to transform the lives of others, you first need to start with yourself.

Personal change can refer to many different things, like changes in behavior, habits, mindset, or lifestyle. One of the most important types of personal change is changing one's mindset.
I believe that changing the way you think and perceive the world around you can have a profound impact on your life. Changing your mindset can lead to better decision-making, more positive emotions, and a greater sense of fulfillment.

1. Practicing Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the act of focusing on the present moment without judgement. It can help you let go of negative thoughts and emotions, and focus on the things that truly matter. And one of the best ways to practice mindfulness is through meditation.
Meditation is the act of sitting quietly and focusing on your breath. It's a great way to clear your mind and focus on the present moment. The more you practice meditation, the more you can learn to control your thoughts and emotions.

2. Practicing the power of positive affirmations: Positive affirmations are short, positive statements that you repeat to yourself on a regular basis. They can help you change your negative thoughts and replace them with more positive ones.

i. They should be short and simple.
ii. Keep them in the present tense, rather than the future tense.
iii. They should focus on what you want to achieve, rather than what you don't want.
iv. They should be said with conviction and belief.

3. Focusing on gratitude: Gratitude is the act of appreciating what you have and being thankful for the things in your life. Studies have shown that gratitude can lead to increased happiness, better physical health, and more positive relationships.

4. Focusing on progress, not perfection. Perfection is an unattainable goal, and it can lead to frustration and disappointment. Instead, try to focus on making small, consistent progress towards your goals.

5. Be aware of your self-talk. The way you talk to yourself can have a big impact on your mindset. If you're constantly putting yourself down or telling yourself that you're not good enough, it will be difficult to make positive changes. Instead, try to speak to yourself in a kind and encouraging way.

My fellow adventurers, let’s start the first step of changing the world around us by changing our selves. Let’s pay closer attention to our mindsets, behaviours, habits and lifestyles as that is a stepping stone towards our dreams. We can actually change the world around us if we can start by changing our individual lives. So, go out there, begin to change yourself, remember to appreciate your efforts than you judge yourself.

Thank you for joining me on this journey through Personal Change: Power for Transforming Lives.

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Stay positive, dear friends!

E.C Obiorah (DeOldMan)

