Invisibilia Podcast

Kelley MacDonald
3 min readJul 29, 2015


Invisibilia Podcast

You guys listened to the wildly popular podcast Serial, right? I got hooked on Serial when I binge listened to it during a long bus ride from Manhattan to Providence, Rhode Island last fall. I loved Serial. And I’ve been listening to Undisclosed, the podcast that picked up where Serial left off and explores details of the case “from an investigatory perspective instead of a narrative one.” The hosts of Undisclosed made some groundbreaking discoveries lately, and it’s been super interesting. I’d recommend it, if you enjoyed Serial.

But I’ve also been searching for another podcast. (They make riding in the car or on the bus so much more interesting!) A few days ago, I came across a list of podcasts recommended by TED staff, and one recommendation caught my eye. Have you you guys heard of Invisibilia, the podcast co-hosted by NPR’s Lulu Miller and Alix Spiegel? This relatively new podcast, launched in January 2015, explores the intangible forces that shape our lives — “things like ideas, beliefs, assumptions and emotions.”

Invisibilia Podcast

Last weekend, during another long bus ride from Manhattan to New Hampshire, I listened to three episodes:

1. The first was, The Secret History Of Thoughts where co-hosts Lulu and Alix ask the question, “Are my thoughts related to my inner wishes, do they reveal who I really am?” Part One of the episode, explores what our dark, disturbing thoughts could mean and whether those thoughts say anything about who we are. Part Two is called Locked-in Man and reveals the fascinating story of a man who was locked in his own body, unable to communicate with anyone and not in control of his own body, for more than a decade.

2. The Power Of Categories examines how categories define us. This episode is so timely, especially given recent news. The show talks about how humans will jump into one category or another, when given the chance. Male or female. American or French. Graphic Designer or Engineer. People need categories — they want them. This show looks at what categories provide for us.

3. And the third was Entanglement, which is about a women who physically feels what she sees others feeling. It also “explores the ways in which all of us are connected–more literally than you might realize.” My mind was blown by the scientific concepts explored in this episode!

Invisibilia Podcast

All three episodes are captivating and thought provoking, and you’ll find yourself going back to the ideas and mysteries presented in each episode. I can’t wait to delve into the other Invisibilia episodes!

Now, go listen and then come back here and tell me your thoughts so we can talk about it! : )

(Images via Invisibilia.)

