#0.1 Metallurgy…

Najem Abaakil
Published in
4 min readFeb 20, 2017

Greetings, people of the internet!

Welcome to the sanctuary of my exploration of sustainable energy. Indeed, through this blog, on this tiny corner of the internet, we will collectively be intrigued as we set off to explore one of the world’s greatest technological revolutions: sustainable energy.

Sorry, that was rude of me. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Najem, and I am currently a high school junior from Morocco. As I hope to eventually go on to study engineering in university, I’ve become quite intrigued in a number of different areas of the field, which I hope to engage in, not only for the sake of pure academic knowledge, but also to see how different engineering concepts can actually be applied to real-world issues.

This is what has pulled me over to the world of renewable energy. Since the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement last year at COP21, everybody [and I mean everybody] has been looking for ways to get rid of those harmful greenhouse gases….

Pollution from coal-fired plants is becoming worse year after year… [Source]

That brings us to back to sustainable energy! This blog, which will be housed in this tiny corner of the internet, will serve to explore the multi-disciplinary world of renewables in the modern world. I’ll be learning, and so will you! On here, we’ll be discussing all kinds of topics, ideas, concepts, and inventions related to energy production, on both the large- and small-scale. Are you willing to come along for the ride?

How this blog will work: Every month, I will come onto this blog and post one lengthy article documenting my exploration in the fields of renewable energy and sustainable development. The articles you’ll find on here will range from science and technology to politics and economics to product design. But don’t worry, we won’t adhere to a schedule in such a strict manner…. after all, this isn’t a class. Through these articles, I’ll be able to document every moment of my exploration, and you’ll be able to take the ride with me.

But really, what will we find here? Everything remotely related to energy and renewables! Photovoltaics, wind turbines, geothermal power plants, nuclear fusion, and everything in between. Will solar energy ever become cheaper than fossil fuels? Are subsidies necessary for renewables to stay afloat? Are nuclear power plants really a form of renewable energy? Why are DSSCs more commonly used? Questions like that will come up over and over again, on TheClimateProject, and I am going to search for the answers. If you’d like to write your own stuff on this blog, I’m more than happy to let you in. Just shoot me a comment or an email.

Solar roof installations are becoming more and more common too (some good news!) [Source]

What if I’m not a sciencey type of person? Don’t worry, although I’m an aspiring engineer, I have no intention of talking about any of this without context. Sure, renewable are inherently a technology. However, you can talk about sustainable energy from a wide variety of perspectives. I am a huge fan of analyzing topics in an interdisciplinary manner, considering the economics, political, social as well as technological influences in order to get a complete, multifaceted perspective on the issue.

If you check the bar at the top of our homepage, you will find that our articles explore many different academic and non-academic areas, so there will always be something in here for you to enjoy and learn from as well. Sure, there will be a bunch of talk of science and physics, but I won’t try to overwhelm you. Instead, we’ll explore space through anecdotes, and stories, all intended to keep you engaged.

Just some cool-looking wind turbines for your viewing pleasure [Source]

Well, I would say more, but I’m not really finding much more to say. I hope we can all enjoy this experience and learn from it together, and who knows, perhaps this project may even inspire you to explore a topic that interests you yourselves. Click here to be redirected to one of our most important articles, in which I explore the basics behind solar energy, and why it’s such a promising technology. It’s a great place for you to start if you’re a beginner in the field of renewable energy, or if you’re just interested in refreshing your mind on what renewables actually are.

Thanks, and see you next time!

P.S. The comments section is always at your disposal, if you have any questions about anything presented in any of the articles, and I’ll be happy to respond at any time. You can take this chance to inquire further, debate with me and other readers and enjoy this learning experience together.



Najem Abaakil

Aspiring physicist and engineer. Sustainability nut. Stanford 2023.