chasing the sunset

Michael Yu
the clubhouse
Published in
1 min readAug 28, 2018

The sky looked especially beautiful on my drive home today. It pierced through the haze of music in my car. “How beautiful…”, I thought. I see the sky everyday — but it is rare that I notice it.

behind the windshield of my trusty honda

In the hours that passed behind that red light, an unexplainable desire to be in front of the sunset washed over me. I wanted to touch the sunset, stare into it, take in all of its beauty.

Foolish. It’s impossible to chase a sunset.

I abandoned the idea and instead appreciated it from where I was. As the idea of the chase faded from my mind, a sleepy street in Cupertino appeared, along with an imperfect gradient, the deep green of the trees around me, and the hallowed vastness of the sky. All beauty hidden behind the veil of my pipe dream.

Who knows — maybe tomorrow I’ll be chasing a sunset without a red light to stop me. But for today, stopped with nowhere to go, I was exactly where I needed to be.

