we used to sit together.

Steven La
the clubhouse
Published in
1 min readDec 3, 2019

we used to sit together.

side by side.

at the same table.

we used to sit together.

we used to talk everyday. we used to laugh, cry, and sing about — everything.

we used to do life together.

but for some reason, one day we missed each other.

maybe it was the time? or the distance? or the situation?

one day became two. two became three.

time flew by.

wherever you are now, i hope you are well.

i hope that the struggles you shared with me left peacefully and that you healed easily.

i hope the time we spent together stays in your heart.

i hope our talks, our discussions, our disagreements left you shook.

i hope you learned and grew as much as i did.

i hope you know our history has a place in my heart.

i hope you know you confused and shook me.

but, i am thankful.

i am thankful to have met you and to have grown with you.

i am thankful to have felt your love, your hate, your humanity.

i am thankful to have been by your side.

at some time.

sitting at the same table.

