Calling It What It Is

Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet
5 min readMar 17, 2021

Calling out Governors over their State policies but ignoring the elephant in the room, Cuomo.

I first promised myself I would not ride the Cuomo thing in the ground like you know, soooooooooo many news agencies did with #45. I will not mention their names, you know who they are. It was ALL of them, lol.

Now I have found myself perplexed though. The reason why is the almost complete absence of news agencies coverage of Cuomo’s Nursing Home order except for one news agency that covered this several months ago. Now suddenly there seems to be a small surge in coverage of Cuomo due to these sexual harassment claims. There is only 7 sexual harassment claims as of right now. I only say this because, how many recent claims did we have with Kavanaugh, one, eins, uno, une or however you would like to say the #1. One and of course Senator Warren and Vice President Harris went ballistic on it. Suddenly there is silence from those two which I will cover later.

Now we even have Sunny Hostin from “The View,” give us her well-educated comments on this. You know I have often wondered truly what view they are actually viewing from??? Does anyone have an answer to this? I am all ears. So here is Sunny’s comments.

“You know, I just think it’s interesting that we’re talking every week- it feels like practically every day — about Cuomo and asking him to step down, asking him to resign without truly due process, without investigations, which are ongoing …” Hostin began. “Yet, we’re not talking at all about Governor Death-santis in Florida, we’re not talking about Governor Abbot in Texas, we’re not talking about the South Dakota governor, we’re not talking about any of those governors in states that- I think it’s alleged in Florida that DeSantis has hidden [the] number of the deaths there- we’re not talking about those issues, but we’re only focused- we’re hyper-focused at this point on Governor Cuomo.”

So, this caused my perplexed situation to change to ok, let us drop some truth bombs again on Doesn’t America Deserve Better. First with Sunny, Wow!!! I once again ask this simple question. What exactly is this view you are viewing things from??? We would all like to know. Because in truth no one else has really ever seen that view.

Now moving along to the first matter at hand. Sunny is making this political. Ok I got it. I can do that as well but first I will put my Captain Obvious cap on and say this, “DeSantis not how you rudely referred to him, nor Abbot nor Noem ever signed a memo directing COVID infected patients to be housed in a nursing home.” Sunny but the whole world knows who did, that is Governor Cuomo, the very guy you’re protecting. That is not political that is straight up facts (read paragraph five in his one-page memo on March 25th), and I do not think the people that died because of those decisions should be made political fodder. Instead, the citizens of New York and America should be outraged, even if it does not apply to your political ideas and that would include Sunny.

The comment that Sunny gave shows there really is not an ounce of caring for those victims. Instead, there is only a deep form of caring for moving the agenda she believes in or that she aligns with which overcomes anyone else tragedy. To be honest we already knew that though. Who cares about the victims right? I am surprised that question did not come out of her mouth.

Since Sunny wanted to do some comparisons. I figure I would oblige, when it comes to COVID as of 17 March 2021, I will use the rate of death by state per 100,000 people. In the state of Texas with a population of 30 million, 161 people per 100,000 die from COVID. In the state of Florida, the state that Sunny addressed the Governor in a rude way and actually that title probably should go to Cuomo, with a population of 21.5 million, 151 people per 100,000 die from COVID. Now we come to New York with a population of 19.4 million, 250 people per 100,000 die from COVID. So, I would suggest to Sunny maybe Cuomo needs all the coverage he is getting and more. If I solely look at this statistic alone, I know one Governor who is not managing this very well. If you couple this data, with the fact he gave that order on March 25 thto prohibit nursing homes from turning back COVID patients and that he did not utilize the USNS Comfort anywhere close to its capability. My question is, what was he doing? Why is he still Governor? Better yet, why is Sunny ok with this?

For the second part which is the 7, seven, sieben, siete, sept or any other way you want to say 7 sexual harassment claims against the Governor. These claims are said to have occurred while he holds the title, “Governor.” These are not claiming of something happening over 30 some odd years ago, where no one to include the person making the claim cannot remember anything. These happened supposedly while he is Governor. Where is Warren and Harris on this? They did go all in against Kavanaugh on this, so why not Cuomo? Why is Sunny ok with this but wasn’t with Kavanaugh? I can tell you why.

The simple answer is that all three (Warren, Harris and Sunny) never really cared about any victim. Instead, they only cared about making something tragic to fit their political agenda. It is blatantly obvious. In the Kavanaugh case the alleged victim was used for political fodder and nothing else. Now that there is no political gain from these 7 alleged sexual harassment victims it is apparent that in some political jockeying there is no value in acknowledging them and their claims. That is how I see the viewpoint of Warren, Harris and Sunny. Could I be wrong? Possibly. Maybe the Kavanaugh hearing taught them that we should simply judge a person as innocent until proven guilty when it comes to claims. So, am I to believe that all of a sudden that Warren, Harris and Sunny matured like the rest of the nation did when we were simply 18? Now with this maturity, they no longer throw tantrums at hearings supporting farfetched claims without garner facts. Remember then, two of them “believed.” Now their silence on the matter is deafening or as Rob Zombie once sang, ♪the blast of silence explodes in my head♪, I would say it is pretty loud the message they are sending.

With all this talk of sexual harassment, which is detrimental in itself, let us not lose sight of deaths that were caused from a decision that was made from a Governor. With that my friends, I suggest, “Doesn’t America Deserve Better” from Senator Warren and Vice President Harris? “Doesn’t America Deserve Better” from Sunny? More importantly “Doesn’t America Deserve Better” from the Office of Governor in the state of New York?

The Vet

Originally published at on March 17, 2021.



Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet

Ian has received awards in journalism, who is a 31-year Veteran from the Army. Ian is an author of the Rick and Katja series "The Birth of a Spy Couple!!"