Democracy Prevailed

Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet
5 min readAug 24, 2022

Words and actions matter, they always have, and they always will.

So, we just had some primaries, and the glaring topic was all about Liz Cheney. She lost her seat in Congress in the state of Wyoming by almost 40%. That is not a small or close number.

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

In her defeat, she did little to address her opponent or constituents. Instead, she focused her energy on 45 and the people that support him. She even compared her journey to Abraham Lincoln. Talk about being a tad bit full of yourself.

Many on the left gravitated to her because she condemned 45 with every breath. You know the saying, birds of a feather flock together. Those on the right felt she left the party in many ways. Now I am one that usually respects those who don’t stick to party lines. I like legislators that vote with their hearts and are not puppets of the party. When it comes to Liz Cheney, she is an exception to that.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

The reason is simple. Liz, like many on the left, became obsessed with Trump. All she could think about was Trump and not her job. At a time when she lost the support of her state voters, she could only stay fixated on Trump and not her people. It seems the people of Wyoming just wanted someone that represented Wyoming and not represented TV narratives, left-wing conspiracies, or being obsessed with a former President. They wanted someone focused on the now. Democracy rang true, the people spoke, which is probably the end of Liz Cheney’s political future at the state level or higher.

The left was all excited about her speech that wooed them. They were excited because someone labeled a Republican spoke how they spoke. Truthfully the speech only resonated as a bitter, defiant obsessed woman who forgot why she was elected in the first place. She simply couldn’t recognize she was defeated because she was out of touch with her voters.

Photo by Nate Steele on Unsplash

News agencies from the left flocked to ole Liz to see if there are ambitions for Presidency in her future. You know she just compared herself to old Abe. I just shake my head at both the news agencies and Liz on this. I am like, really? Who the heck are you looking at here?

I watched Democrats on shows excited for her but say, “yep, I am not voting for her.” Hey, just remember, though, they supported her when she spewed the same rhetoric they did. They just don’t support her enough for an election, mainly because she didn’t have a D attached to her name.

Does anyone genuinely think more than 10% of the Republicans would ever vote for her? I mean, seriously. At the national level, maybe 5% at best. Oh, and those that don’t support her have to be too attached to Trump. No, they just don’t want someone in office that follows the masses down the hate road or forgets their job. If she forgets her job at the Congressional level, then how bad would she forget her job at the POTUS level? Ut oh, no one wants to answer that question.

So, I guess the independents will pull her across the finish line. All 8 to 13% of them, really?

Truthfully, where would she get the votes to be in the running? They are not there.

Asking Liz Cheney if she would like to run for the Presidency is like asking a five-year-old. At least the five-year-old isn’t obsessed yet.

Then Liz made her best Hillary impression and went on to say regarding Republicans that they are sick. Oh, that wonderful “deplorable” moment always gets you the votes. She forgets that if she is elected, she is elected to represent all, not just the ones she likes. Too many politicians forget this.

In classic obsessed fashion, Liz on ABC says, “It says that clearly [Trump’s] hold is very strong among some portions of the Republican Party. My state of Wyoming is not necessarily a representative sample of the party…I think it says a couple of things. I think it says people continue to believe the lie. They continue to believe what he’s saying, which is dangerous. I think it also tells you that large portions of our party, including the leadership of our party, is very sick.”[1]

Photo by Artem Page on Unsplash

Talk about not understanding the voter and not being in touch with them. I present you the example in this, Liz Cheney. “Believing the lie” is her mantra. Wow! I can spit out about eight lies that the current guy gave us regarding Afghanistan, and 13 servicemen and women died over that. Is she passionate about that? I think people can believe what they want and question what they want. It doesn’t make them bad. It is what they relate to. Liz sees things through a very condescending view, putting it nicely. It is not her place to be the lie disperser or truth seeker. A congresswoman’s place is to represent the people and devote themselves to the Constitution. I think she missed on both regarding that.

Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

So now she will go down in history as simply getting her butt handed to her by the people of Wyoming. The left will throw her out unless it is a token piece on CNN or the View. But honestly, that is about it. The right will have nothing to do with her because she veered too far away from her responsibilities. Well, Liz, I guess there are always those scenic views from your back porch.

Photo by Brady Stoeltzing on Unsplash

Yes, Liz spoke, and Wyoming as well as America deserved far better than someone like her. More important than Liz speaking is that Wyoming and America spoke. To me, with all the fanfare and noise of the left, the subtle thunderous voice of democracy prevailed coming from Wyoming and America.

The Vet

[1] (Nerozzi, 2022)

Nerozzi, T. H. (2022, August 20). Fox News. Retrieved from Liz Cheney rips into Republican voters, leadership as ‘very sick’ after landside primary loss:



Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet

Ian has received awards in journalism, who is a 31-year Veteran from the Army. Ian is an author of the Rick and Katja series "The Birth of a Spy Couple!!"