Father time, never stops!

Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet
3 min readJan 27, 2023

Today, the Sidekick and I are out on the back porch briefly. To be honest, it is cold for Texas. But just for a short period, we watched the steam come off the pool and the pond. Just a peaceful morning. Well, peaceful for me and not so peaceful for the Sidekick. He is always in a hurry. Not a second to waste. He has to be in something. That’s just his curious nature. I hope he keeps that curiosity, even if it leads to shenanigans. I am sure those will be legendary tales for him to brag about one day.

Photo by Saad Chaudhry on Unsplash

As I look at my Sidekick, I ponder for a moment. Is this how my Papaw looked at me? I was practically his Sidekick back in the day. I remember days of just him and me. Those are treasured memories that are part of my foundation.

What is strange is that I know the Sidekick looks at things, like, well, Grandpa does it, so it has to be okay. Like I blessed it or something. So, I get some Grandpa privileges. The young boy looks up at me with admiration. But what he doesn’t know is that I really look at him with admiration. I hope one day he understands that. I wonder if my Papaw felt the same way?

When you see the Sidekick’s blue eyes and smile, you quickly realize so much promise resides with him. My Number One, the Granddaughter, has it too, but she is in school most of the day. So, most of my time is spent with the Sidekick rather than Number One.

I look at both with pure admiration. Oh, they do push you to your limits, that is for sure, but that is just part of their character. I have no idea whom they get that from. No, I am not looking the other way.

Photo by Collin Hardy on Unsplash

Now onto Father Time. It just seems like a few days ago. I held the Sidekick for the first time. I feel the same way about Number One. Time slows down for no one. That is one of the most accurate statements ever. I can see how I have aged over the last few years. So, I figure since it doesn’t slow down, I might as well enjoy it with the ones I love the most, as much as possible. You know, with the Sidekick, Number One, and the rest of the family. Maybe instead of the Sidekick getting into shenanigans by himself, we will get into them together. I like that. We will become legendary together.

This is My Friday’s Thoughts to Ponder for the Weekend.

The Vet



Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet

Ian has received awards in journalism, who is a 31-year Veteran from the Army. Ian is an author of the Rick and Katja series "The Birth of a Spy Couple!!"