I am Moving…Don’t Attack My House…Just Yet

John Brent Bockmon
The Coach And The Vet
4 min readAug 19, 2021

Advertisement in the local newspaper reads….

“Leaving my house on September 11 for good. But will be moving out in shifts for the three weeks prior. We will first take down our security system. Then we will be disassembling our fence around the house little by little while at the same time taking away our dozen protection dogs. We will also be sending away our security team and any and all guns. We ask that you respect our 20 year stay in the area and please don’t attack our home, take our remaining goods and rob and pillage our neighbors. Yes, we have had the security system on the entire time to protect our house, but now we really don’t need it because even though you still want to rob, pillage, and kill us, you probably won’t because you promised not to come in. Just letting you know that we will also be celebrating our 20-year stay living in your neighborhood that you never welcomed us in by having a toast celebrating our stay and exit.”-Yours truly, Your naïve neighbor

Of course, the above ad was not published in my local paper and no I am not moving, but this is in essence what the United States administration just did over the last six months or so. What did you expect leadership? Did you expect the terrorist and murderers to change just because you left? Did they promise you in your negotiations not to do what they are doing today? Maybe they did. But did you not learn through history never to negotiate with terrorist because their words can’t be trusted? No, you “whispered’ that it would “never happen” and you expect us all to believe you. You are not leading….you were only “hoping”.

Most American’s agree that we shouldn’t spend a lifetime in Afghanistan. We know that we can’t do it forever. But we also expect the empathy that the leaders speak to us and throws in our face so often, would be given to the ones that helped us protect our homeland from terrorist for the last 20 years. We have not had one terrorist attack by Al-Qaeda or the Taliban element on our homeland since we entered the country after 9/11. This is an amazing stat. We didn’t do this alone, we did it with the help of the Afghan people that wanted a better life. We promised them that and they helped us; and in one week it has all gone to……well you know.

The left in our country speaks on women’s rights, even though women have equal rights. In one sense this was the one thing that our presence in Afghanistan did. It gave women rights, hopes, dreams and aspirations for greater things and equality. Now it will be gone in no time at all. We gave them direction for greater education. Now will be gone and back to the old ways of the Islamic militant state. We helped them with Democratic laws and elections. Now the Taliban will just take over the country and we stand aside. Where is the leadership? Where is the protest in the streets of America for the “less than”? The streets will be silent; and the false “race is everything” narrative will be back in full effect within a few days.

We should stand for people. All people if we care as humans. We stand for illegal aliens crossing our border to flee from “bad things” or a “bad life” and many just look the other way when they do it because of their fake, “All people should be treated equal” narrative. Now you will see that this was never the reason for their fake “empathy”. It was all political. They don’t care about you people crossing the border. They care about it because it pissing-off half of America who want laws to be followed and people to come here legally. Where is the outrage to your President to re-up the military and protect the ones that helped us, the less than, the women killed, the children abused and so on? He will not and his party will refuse to push him and will blame it on Bush and Trump, while skipping Obama and #46. That’s what they do. It’s called blame the other while putting your head in the sand with fake tears of empathy.

This is a disaster. This is a disgrace. This is not what America should do…ever! We didn’t learn from Saigon. The same picture of helicopters exiting American’s out like that was just replayed over Afghanistan. You lied to us Joe. You lied to our allies Joe. But, in the hyper-sensitive, divisive, political 21 stcentury, this is what will happen. Another crisis will come that will take our focus off this diplomatic disaster. One will come or one will be made up.

I can’t remember the last United States President that was from the Democratic party who handled foreign policy anywhere close to good for us, as well as for our foreign allies with true leadership. The list is long from JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis to Biden’s blunder in Afghanistan. I don’t care what you call me for pointing out the truth. Truth matters and this is an embarrassment to us all. That’s if you are true to yourself to admit it.

Pray for our allies in Afghanistan. I am sure they don’t feel like allies today as we scurry off into the sunset while they hide and fear retribution for helping the United States with “our” problem.

Shame…….shame…..shame….on us.

The Coach John Brent

Originally published at https://shop.thecoachandthevet.com on August 19, 2021.



John Brent Bockmon
The Coach And The Vet

John Brent is The Coach, who teaches History, Government, Economics and Law; also Coaches football and loves helping people with their health and nutrition.