♪It’s Getting So Hot, I Wanna Take My Clothes Off♪

Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet
4 min readJul 22, 2022


by Nelly

Texas brings a different style of heat. Mainly because we are so loved by the good Lord, that we are closer to him and the sun. It is a small price to pay for living in God’s Country.

Photo by Ryuta F. on Unsplash

I am out watering the plants with the Sidekick this morning. Most of my plants have decided it is simply too hot for them. They have made their amends with the maker and are tapping out. Dang wussies! But I do have a few that has some determination left in them. Makes me proud, they are sticking with us, as I am about to leave them on their own and head back to some nice climate control. Sucks to be them, I guess.

Photo by Connor Jalbert on Unsplash

Can you believe it is already in the mid-80s and we haven’t even busted nine am? Even the Sidekick after a few minutes is ready to either wander to the pool or go back to the confines of watching Cocomelon. It will be another triple-digit day today.

As I have mentioned, I am fortunate enough to live in God’s Country, but it sure seems like Satan is letting us know that below it is hotter than “he double toothpicks” as Radar O’Reilly would say. You know just a friendly reminder that if you fall out of the good graces of living in God’s Country, the horned man has something far worse in store for us.

Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash

So, make sure you be nice to your neighbors. Open the doors for the ladies. Always help the elderly and the children. Make sure you say, “yes ma’am and yes sir.” Better break out those “pleases and thank yous,” also. Let’s not forget when you are angry with someone or they are simply out of their freaking mind just simply say, “bless your heart.” Oh, and let’s not forget to love them, Cowboys. You know the ones that actually ride horses, George Strait, and even the ones from Dallas that play on Sunday. Then there is the loyalty to our country and state. All these are simple things that are important to our brethren in this great state. To deal with a little hot weather is just part of the culture.

Photo by Polina Portnaya on Unsplash

It is a good culture, one that most of the 30 million residents that reside in this great place are pretty proud of. But leave it to the dude with the horns and tail to turn the heat up on us a bit. Yep, it is hot here, and it tempts me to drop the clothes, in order to deal with it. There are a few problems with that though, I will turn into a lobster really quick. That would be very painful. Second, I don’t think the neighbors want to see me like that.

Photo by Brittani Burns on Unsplash

So, with that, I will simply appreciate it that I am one of the lucky few that live in God’s Country. I will keep my clothes on, you are welcome. I will drive my blue car before nine am, for it is far too hot the rest of the day. I will appreciate the fact that the good Lord, gave mankind the wisdom to invent the air conditioner. Finally, like most Texans, I will also when the temperature drops close to freezing again in early December, I will foolishly be begging for the summer heat again. Ha, ha, ha! Oh, the irony.

Be safe my friends and watch out for the heat! I think it is time for the Sidekick and me to jump in the pool. This is my Friday’s Thought to Ponder for the Weekend!!!

The Vet



Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet

Ian has received awards in journalism, who is a 31-year Veteran from the Army. Ian is an author of the Rick and Katja series "The Birth of a Spy Couple!!"