Mother’s Day

Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet
3 min readMay 6, 2022

Let’s hear for those Moms.

Today I sit on the front porch with my sidekick, the Grandson. He is busy clapping at the cars driving by. As some know, this is our routine. It is fun, and he gets a kick out of roaming the front porch. It is his territory, and he owns it. At least that is what he thinks.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Sunday marks Mother’s Day. A day where we show our appreciation for the ones that brought us into this world. Everyone has their very own unique traditions, but those traditions have something in common. That is, it is an effort to show our appreciation to those Moms. Typically, not enough effort is put into these special days, and some may find it burdensome. I simply suggest remembering what the day is about. Which is acknowledging the sacrifices that Mothers endure for their children.

This Sunday, we will make a simple breakfast for the two favorite Moms in my life. My wife and my daughter both are great Moms in their own right. We will pamper them early on, and then we will probably try to break-in the swimming pool for this season. Most of all we will just try to be a bit kinder on this special day, with our focus just enjoying each other.

Photo by Benjamin Manley on Unsplash

We have all been taught to respect and honor our Moms. Some take that for granted, and others truly cherish this. I would suggest making the best of our Moms. They are only on this earth for a short time. One never knows when you will share your last Mother’s Day with your Mom. Life doesn’t give you hints about that.

I lost my Mom when I was in Afghanistan. I can remember the last time I saw her. Oh, how I wish I could simply have a conversation with her today. That would be so much fun. She would talk for hours on end. I would never get a word in edge-wise. Today I would love to sit in my silence to hear her speak to me. Life is short, and I thought I would have a few more years with her. I never realized her time on earth was meant to be brief. I am not one who lives in regrets, but I regret not appreciating my Mom as much as I should have.

So I say, my friends, embrace this day. Make the most of it. Go out and get that Mom tattoo. No, just joking about that one. Prepare those favorite meals for our Moms. Have the family get along for one simple day but most of all just give them a big hug.

This is my Friday’s Thought to Ponder for the Weekend.

The Vet.



Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet

Ian has received awards in journalism, who is a 31-year Veteran from the Army. Ian is an author of the Rick and Katja series "The Birth of a Spy Couple!!"