Nikolaus Tradition

Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet
2 min readDec 2, 2021

What is all this about Nikolaus?

So, this is the first Friday of December and yes, I am hanging out with the Grandson. Well, we are not on the front porch too chilly this morning. Instead, I am chasing him around the house as he is in his 100-mph mode and I’m in my, hmmm, let’s say, 10-mph mode.

What does the beginning of December bring to the dance of life? Well, I remember as a kid spending countless hours looking over the ole “wish book” from either Sears or Montgomery Wards. We would waste a lot of time, wishing we could have something cool from there. Now we are in a decade when a child has no clue whatsoever what a “wish book” even is. Did anyone think to put a “wish book” in the time capsule by the courthouse? If not, we missed an opportunity.

Now we are graced with traditions of “Advent Calendars” and such. I honestly think my Granddaughter has been sneaking treats before bed well before December but that’s just me. I remember when the “Advent Calendar” was introduced in our home as a kid. Man, I couldn’t wait till we were down to Christmas Day on it. The anticipation was great, and it seemed time dragged on so slowly (I think that is some lyrics somewhere not sure). I do think the “Advent Calendar” is a good tradition though.

Then I embraced some of wife’s culture when we got married. Christmas is such a precious time and I have realized that everyone has some unique things to bring to this time of the year. A little injection of German traditions is not a bad thing at all. So, we embraced the tradition of Nikolaus.

On December 5 thlate in the evening children will leave out their shoes or boots so Nikolaus will fill them with treats. Now of course children are sometimes very wise on how to get over on Nikolaus. They will want to borrow their parents’ shoes with hopes to get more from Nikolaus. That is the reason for the photo of infant shoes next to big boots. Early in the morning of December 6, the children will wake up with the first words coming out of their mouth. No, it is not can I brush my teeth. No, it is not can I get something to eat. It is, did Nikolaus come and give us goodies?

I think this year it will be interesting to see the Grandchildren embrace Nikolaus. Somehow, I just don’t think skimming through a “wish book” will be on their mind. But hey that is me.

This is my Friday’s Thought to Ponder for the Weekend.

The Vet

Originally published at on December 2, 2021.



Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet

Ian has received awards in journalism, who is a 31-year Veteran from the Army. Ian is an author of the Rick and Katja series "The Birth of a Spy Couple!!"