Old Playbook

Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet
5 min readJun 30, 2021

Splitting America down the middle for political gain.

Things seem to be moving along in America. We are getting out of the COVID hell, thanks to Operation Warp Speed for getting the vaccines out, you know the vaccines that were developed under the Trump administration. Biden’s administration just went along for the ride on this one. Let us just call it what it is. They tried their best to downplay and diminish the Herculean feat that was accomplished on this. In all reality this distracting messaging failed. Hmmmm

Going forward though, touching on another subject that garnered political traction which is defunding the police. Over the last year we witnessed several Democratic run cities that decided to defund the police. You know NYC defunded by $1 billion, yes that is billion and not million. Take a guess what that will do to the crime in that city. Well, we do not have to guess we can see the crime stats soar. LA cut the funding for police by $150 million. Minneapolis cut it by $8 million, along with Portland cutting at $15 million and Oakland County cutting by $18 million. How did this transpire?

There was a strong cry for defunding the police over a year ago. Most of this originated from people who had absolutely zero policing experience. Not only this, but most have also not realistically had a job running cities, counties, or states and if they did it has not been for a long time. They are probably more in tune with running a group or clan on a video game than having influence on civil or government jobs. So basically, this was a fairy style idea. If we get rid of the police or defund them then only good things could happen. Seriously what kind of fairy tale are we living in?

You know the deal though, no matter how far-fetched the idea, if it can garner a few votes, who will swing in and make it theirs? You know the deal the far-left democrats. They took this hook, line, and sinker. It was an important part of their agenda and it almost cost them the House of Representatives as well.

I must tip my hat though. Often, I have said, that the Democrats can do something just enough to garner them votes, then when the polls turn and the media actually digs, they will then blame it on the very group of people that were against it to begin with. That is exactly what has happened. The Republicans have been against the defunding of police from day one. Now that the pressure has started what has happened. The old Democratic playbook gets dusted off and let us blame the Republicans.

Jen Psaki pointed out since no Republican voted for the “America Rescue Plan” that “could help local cops could stay on the beat for the country.” I noticed she did not talk about the local governments pennies or if the plan was a mandate. The only thing I got from Psaki, who, you know, promised to run the most transparent press staff in our history, is that she was serious in her diversionary tactics. Hoping that someone would really fall for that. Psaki now has placed blame on the Republicans for failures at local levels that are governed by Democratic leaders. How quickly we dust off that “old Democratic playbook.”

So, let us be direct about this. I have yet to see in my lifetime, that the Democrats as a party know how to run foreign policy, the military, the government, actual economies, foster the pursuit of happiness, show the slightest form of patriotism, count votes accurately without sliding in their narrative, be honest, be fair and equitable without blaming and the list goes on and on. One thing that they have always been good at though, is and they have a monopoly on it. That is getting on a far-fetched idea or agenda, riding it to the ground or fully exploiting it and just when everyone sees it for its ugliness then they blame the people who have been against it the whole time, somehow there are people who actually believe their BS. What is crazy, they are extremely efficient at this. It is astonishing. One can only look in disbelief and awe at the same time. That is exactly what is going on right now with “defunding the police.”

The bad part is that what they are good at is not good for our country. Not even in the slightest. It is diminishing to the sanctity of our nation. It stops progress and creates division. You know division, that little part that the Democratic party should be known for but once again, they are successful for blaming someone else for that. It is all part of the ole Democratic playbook. Who needs successful policies when we can just have blunders and then blame them on the other guy?????

I am here to say, that the average American voter has gotten smarter. I think the average American voter would simply appreciate a politician, party or an administration that owns their flaws. I am not talking about saying “America has not lived up to this” and all along not utter a word of sincerity in their messaging because they could not come to gripes of apologizing for their very own faults. Instead, it is easier to blame our country for past faults. Doesn’t America Deserve this honesty? I believe so.

So, I say to the most transparent White House Press Secretary, (I am coughing as I type those words), we deserve better than the distorting of the truth. We are smarter than one would believe we are, and we will not follow the divisiveness you are spewing. I am grateful for the police, and they should not be defunded. The “America Rescue Plan” also should not be used as political satire to try to pin one party’s complete failures on the other. Who is to even say if it passed would, NYC, Portland, LA, Minneapolis, Oakland etc. even utilizes it towards funding the police? We have already seen how irresponsible they are from local dollars.

Doesn’t America Deserve Better than this?

The Vet

Originally published at https://shop.thecoachandthevet.com on June 30, 2021.



Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet

Ian has received awards in journalism, who is a 31-year Veteran from the Army. Ian is an author of the Rick and Katja series "The Birth of a Spy Couple!!"