
Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet
3 min readNov 6, 2020

Are the prediction polls right?

I am sitting back in beautiful East Texas dealing with the excruciating fall season weather. I do believe it only got up to 75 today. If it drops much more on this November day, I may have to dust off a jacket. On with the topic today. Have we not learned anything in the last four years?? That is the question for the weekend!

Over four years ago, we had these things called prediction polls. They were ran by supposedly smart people in America who analyze every fabric of society to determine what an election outcome would be. Over four years ago, all we heard was that there would be a landslide for the Democratic party in the Presidential Election. History proved that entire narrative to be totally false. So, for the next four years what does all of America do? Do we learn our lessons from the past? Nope we went hook, line and sinker. We as a country went all in our trust in the pollsters once again and decided to forget our past and go all in to see if the last election was just an anomaly or not. Because we all know pollsters do not have an agenda and they are the most trustworthy individuals in America (sarcasm alert). I put them in the trustworthy category with media, and politicians.

I have several problems with the pollsters, but I also have problems we bought into it. Just one simple example, the pollsters said that Biden was ahead in Wisconsin by 17 points, but when the election took place and as of right now, Biden has 49.6 % of the vote and Trump has 48.9%. I am not a smart man but that is less than a point. That is .7% not 17 %. So why the huge difference? Some will say that their formula was not right. There may be some that say the right questions were not asked, and some may have lied in the polling. I will call it for what it is. I believe the pollster had an agenda, plain and simple.

Some may question my response but yes, an agenda. If you tell the people that it is too far of a reach for your guy to win, then what happens? A good bit of people may feel that it is pointless to vote for their guy because there is no way for him to win. That is called “voter intimidation” my friends. What is crazy this has been going on for the last five months and we have sat back, and all allowed it. We trusted these polls, made decisions because of polls and somehow, we might have respected the polls. Oh how soon, we have forgotten the fact that only four years ago, we walked the same path of believing that media, pollsters and politicians are all in it for our nation’s best interest. There is no way they could be in it for their own ambitions, agenda, or power (definitely sarcasm).

So, I will sit back this weekend as we are still trying to figure out who will be the person in charge of our country after January 20, 2021 and just hope that we can learn from our recent history. Maybe we should acknowledge the fact that pollsters are no better than NFL game predictors, I think it is that simple. I would like to know what do you think about this?

This is my Friday’s Thought to Ponder for the Weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally published at https://shop.thecoachandthevet.com on November 6, 2020.



Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet

Ian has received awards in journalism, who is a 31-year Veteran from the Army. Ian is an author of the Rick and Katja series "The Birth of a Spy Couple!!"