Tell the Truth!

John Brent Bockmon
The Coach And The Vet
6 min readDec 11, 2020

How Not to Make Friends in the 21 stCentury….Tell the Truth!

We are in a world-wide pandemic for sure. We have been ravaged by a virus brought to you by our friends in Red China. We are at risk for infection and it is a trying time in our ever, global world we live in. It is an anxious time. We have been indoctrinated with fear. Yes, the virus kills. We have to be careful everywhere we go because we have lost 300,000 people due to the Chinese Coronavirus. Be scared. Be very scared.

“Yes Sir, may I take your order”? This is the auditory sound we have been hearing in our ears from drive-through fast food places for the last few decades. The food is fast and taste great. “Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, on a sesame-seed bun”. “Where’s the Beef” We have so many options as American’s to choose from. On most corners you have a McDonalds, KFC, Taco Bell, Jack in the Box and a Pizza place. Ah, the American diet at its best. We are so concerned about a pandemic that we continue to overlook the real scary killer of our time, fat.

Fat, sugar, processed foods and a few other grand chemicals are killing more American’s a year than Covid, the influenza, pneumonia, automobile wrecks, natural disasters, suicides, murders, and even smoking. We don’t want to address the elephant in the room, the overeating, fat and sugar craving society that we have been living in for some time. Obesity related deaths top 400,000 deaths a year. Stop. Read it again so it sinks into while you sip on the “Route 44” sugary killer; 400,000 funerals a year from a preventable issue.

Yea, call me insensitive. Heck, I probably offended some while they stuff that second or third piece of colon killer into their mouths. It’s OK, I have been called worse. But, if we want to talk about what we can do to save lives, then the conversation needs to happen. It is a choice to eat the foods you use for your daily caloric intake. You can choose for breakfast a couple breakfast tacos ( Fat and carb stuffed) or you can choose to cook a couple eggs at the house with a bowl of oatmeal. “Oh, you don’t have time”? I say you do. It takes 1 minute 30 seconds to cook that oatmeal and less than three minutes for eggs. You sit in line at most fast food joints for six to ten minutes. The difference in the two choices is critical for your health. Stop with the excuses. I just felt the anger tapping of your laptop as you send me an angry email. Hit the send, it’s OK. I can take it.

I have been going to the gym six to seven times a week for the last six months. I see the same people working out weekly. I have been amazed at the amount of time they put in with no real physical change to their outside appearance. It is a simple problem. They don’t understand that weight is determined by what you put into your month so much more than what you can lift or walk or run off. The food choices you make are easily the most important choice you will make to get your weight into and stay within a healthy weight. I use the 80–20 rule when people ask me about how you get abs. It is 80% diet and 20% workouts. They don’t like that because we have been stuffing our faces for years. You will never outwork a bad diet…….say that three times.

Why are we so concerned about being told what to do in a pandemic? We will complain about freedom and liberty, which we should. The number for the virus will kill 300,000 people this year. That is a huge amount of people that will die. There is no doubt about that. Many of those people that die form it will have underlying medical issues, and the highest medical issues will be under the umbrella of being obese. We will shut down a gym, but keep a fast food, drive-through open. We will close down a gym but keep open liquor stores. (Yes, we don’t want people to have with draws I get it, but which is going to kill more people? The withdraws or the obesity?)

I have been told I am unempathetic to different issues that come with people’s food choices. Social economic issues, location of food to people, “It’s cheaper to eat out than cook healthy food”, and the one I call out every time, “I don’t have time to meal prep or cook”. There are things that you may need to overcome. But, in life we have to overcame things all the time. We want the best, the most and the longest life possible. If this is the case, we must make the choices to do it. You can eat healthy on a limited budget. I have run the numbers with my students and every time we do, eating healthy is cheaper. You can do it on limited time, but it’s a choice to do so. How many hours a week do you spend in a restaurant, in a drive-through, on social media and or watching TV? Yea, that’s what I thought. You have hours to prepare your food.

Diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, vascular issues, joint issues and even depression all are diminished when you body isn’t being bogged down with the extra weight that overeating and or eating unhealthy food does to the body. How many people do you know taking medication for the above reasons? You lose that weight and almost all the medication for those goes into the trash can.

The “Diet” industry is a 3 Billion dollar a year-plus industry. Now you get those “Magic” pills, shakes, coffees, and now even “Shrinking teas”. Anything but do the one and only real thing that helps you lose weight, keep it off and overcome obesity. It is called a “Lifestyle Change”. That change has to be a conscience decision to eat good, clean, healthy foods daily. There is no trick. There is no magic potion. This is what America wants, but it is a lie. We want our cake and eat it too. We want to be able to say we are trying the new “Fad”. The Keto, Adkins, Low-Carb, Intermittent fasting, green leafy drink, meal replacement shake craze is just that, a craze. It simply doesn’t equate to a healthy lifestyle change all by itself. You still have to eat good food and exercise. It’s OK, you can hate me.

The pandemic is real. I had COVID-19 it wrecked my life for a week or two. But, what wrecked my life for years was bad food choices, that brought on overweight problems, and health issues due to my choices of food I put in my mouth. No excuses ever really mattered. I was still a fat, you know what. The mirror doesn’t lie, what lies is buying oversized clothes for your frame to cover-up the KFC, waist-line, or the Arby’s chin, or heck maybe the Dominos back fat. Man do I know how to make friends.

This pandemic will pass, and another scare will be out there for the media to hype. We will still be in a way, just waiting for the next scare. But, as you crack open that bag of Doritos, slide that chip in that can of Bean Dip watching the news scared to leave your house or take that cruise, remember this. You are far more likely to get sick and feel terrible eating bad food than ever being attacked by a virus. You are far more likely to die from the effects of your food choices than ever from a food market in Wuhan getting you.

If any of you need help with how to eat healthy, you can message me and I will personally help you. I have struggled for years before with the same issue. You can lose the weight. You can achieve your fitness or weight goals. You can do it on a limited time or budget. Excuses are just excuses. If you still hate me, then go eat a Burrito Supreme and send me a hateful message. But you still know I am right. Love you all like a fat kid loves cake. That’s funny I don’t care who you are…..

The Coach, John Brent

Originally published at on December 11, 2020.



John Brent Bockmon
The Coach And The Vet

John Brent is The Coach, who teaches History, Government, Economics and Law; also Coaches football and loves helping people with their health and nutrition.