The best person for the job

Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet
5 min readFeb 1, 2023

There seems to be some political bickering between the parties as of late. That would never happen, right? This bickering concerns committee assignments, particularly the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Photo by Amanda Dalbjörn on Unsplash

The Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, has basically booted Representative Adam Schiff and Representative Eric Swalwell off this committee. Now Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries has asked for them to be reappointed to this committee. Speaker McCarthy has stood his ground and said no.

The Democrats are saying this is retaliation for previously kicking Representative Marjorie Greene and Representative Paul Gosar off their perspective committee assignments. Basically, for comments that they found to be incendiary.

I must ask as I sit back and eat my popcorn while watching how this all unfolds. Do the Democrats really think that everyone is that gullible for the reasoning that they gave? I hear there is some oceanfront property in Kansas for us all to buy.

As I get serious about this, my upbringing in the military makes me scratch my head at this. Everyone knows that Swalwell snuggled up next to Fang, a suspected Chinese spy. Okay, that alone if we were in the military, would prevent someone from having a serious job, especially a job that would evolve dealing with intelligence. Push the party stuff aside. Do we really want the one person out of 435 candidates that cozied up with a potential foreign spy to be on that committee? Hmmm. Maybe there is simply a better candidate out of the 435, just stating the obvious here.

Photo by Darren Halstead on Unsplash

Then we move on to Schiff on this. The man that said, hmmm, let me think what he said for two years that led us down to a huge investigation on the presidency and costs our country millions of dollars. Let’s not talk about our country looking like total fools during this time. Thank you very much, Adam Schiff, for all that. But let’s use his words, “direct evidence”[1] is one. “Ample evidence of collusion in plain sight,”[2] Schiff said. “Undoubtedly, there is collusion,”[3] according to Schiff. Whereas the Wall Street Journal even stated, “Adam Schiff spread falsehoods shamelessly about Russia and Donald Trump for three years even as his own committee gathered contrary evidence.”[4] Now that came from the WSJ editorial board, meaning the people on the board came to a consensus for this article, not a rouge journalist. Think about that. “The Mueller Report did not find any evidence of collusion.”[5]

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

So now we know all this. We had a congressman who was obsessed with his lies at best. He seemed to be obsessed with leading us down the wrong road to ensure he got the man he didn’t like. So, I ask, out of 435 congressional members, is he really the top one for this committee, or does he rank around 434, just above Swalwell, regarding whom the American people would trust with this assignment? I think we all know that answer if we put party politics aside and look at the candidate and the job.

This isn’t about party stuff. This is about optics. How could we fathom putting a guy that snuggled up next to a supposedly foreign spy on this committee or a person that has perpetually lied to us for several years? Not caring that we wasted tons of money all because we followed his lie.

Photo by Mackenzie Marco on Unsplash

I have said that in some regards, this is strange to me because, as stated in the military, we would simply sidestep those individuals purely for the optics. Think about this. In World War II, many historians said our best general was Patton. Now that is debatable, but even the Germans felt that way. But Patton made some, hmm, harsh comments and had some questionable actions concerning his troops, so Eisenhower sat him on the sideline during the most important offensive that our world has known for over a century. Think about that. He sat him on the sideline for the Invasion of Normandy. Purely because of optics.

Photo by Mark Lawson on Unsplash

So why is anyone falling on their sword for someone who leads us astray while on a committee or for a person that potential foreign spies easily tempt? We have far more qualified candidates. This isn’t where everyone gets a participation trophy. We want the best on those committees. It just so happens that there are 433 people better suited for the job than Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell.

America deserves better than this. Everyone needs to pull off the party glasses and think America first. Take the party out of the equation. If we did that, Schiff and Swalwell could return to re-establishing their reputation. It needs work. I am just saying. It is a long road for them, but the Intelligence Committee is not the place to reestablish it.

The Vet

[1] (Politi, 2019)

[2] (Cohen, 2019)

[3] (Demirjian, 2019)

[4] (Board, 2020)

[5] (Martin, 2019)

Board, T. E. (2020, May 12). All the Adam Schiff Transcripts. Retrieved from Wall Street Journal:

Cohen, D. (2019, April 21). Schiff: ‘Ample evidence of collusion in plain sight’. Retrieved from Politico:

Demirjian, K. (2019, March 26). ‘Undoubtedly there is collusion’: Trump antagonist Adam Schiff doubles down after Mueller finds no conspiracy. Retrieved from The Washington Post:

Martin, M. (2019, March 24). Mueller Report Finds No Evidence of Russian Collusion. Retrieved from NPR:

Politi, D. (2019, March 3). Schiff: There is “Direct Evidence” of Trump Collusion with Russia. Retrieved from Slate:



Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet

Ian has received awards in journalism, who is a 31-year Veteran from the Army. Ian is an author of the Rick and Katja series "The Birth of a Spy Couple!!"