The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet
4 min readFeb 25, 2021

Texas has embraced “Snowtopia” last week. It reset weather records that were set over 100 years ago in this Great State. As usual we see bad things in this, and we see good things in this.

The Bad is Texas was simply not prepared to handle the winter with all our energy resources. All facets of the energy sector failed at some point or another. That would include solar, wind, coal, gas and nuclear. At the end of the day that did not live up to Texans expectations. The bottom line is, our state does not need an education on energy, instead I would suggest we need an education and an implementation plan on how to weatherize or power sources. It is that simple, a costly solution but it is a simple solution. So, let us cut out all the partisan BS narrative that has gone on with this. During these record temperatures, we lost lives and people lost significant property. This was discussed in the Coach and the Vet’s podcast, Texas Energy.

The Good, as usual, the people of Texas rose and demonstrated their resilience. Neighbors helped neighbors, communities helped people within their community and the State of Texas is the example of people lending a helping hand. We even had people outside the State come and help us. Although I do not agree with any of her policies, I will say thank you to AOC who brought in $4.7 million to help Texans and tip my hat to her.

Now comes the Ugly. The point and target of this whole write up revolves around one person. A few years ago, on the Senate floor we had the Senator from New York, Chuck Schumer, make a feeble attempt to relish in Texan lingo. On June 13, 2018 he addressed the Senate by saying, “President Donald Trump’s summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un amounted to what the Texans call all cattle, no hat.” Yes, you read that right. He said it backwards. Which in turn makes Chuck “all hat no cattle.”

Now in the latest COVID relief bill, $1.9 Trillion, Chuck has also made sure we build a bridge from New York to Canada. I am not sure what that bridge would do to help fight COVID, but I am all ears if there are realistic expectations to help the COVID preventive pipeline go full stream because of this bridge. I do have my doubts though. I suspect we have a better chance of the sun rising in the West instead of the East.

Finally, back to “Snowtopia,” Chuck in all his infinite wisdom of Texas that he has demonstrated in the past like in June of 2018, thought it was important to give his 2 cents of knowledge on the situation down here. “The bottom line is, Texas thought it could go it alone and built a system that ignored climate change. It was not what’s called resilient, and now Texas is paying the price, I hope they learned a lesson,” Chuck so eloquently stated.

Since Chuck likes many sayings from Texans and the Midwest. I will give one. Chuck “don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.” Stop it with the partisan lies. We had trouble because we did not prepare for winter. Not because we decided “to go it alone.” Not because we ignored climate change, when Texas is the leading producer of wind energy in the entire country. The lesson we learned is to invest into weather protection for all our vast forms of energy.

Maybe Chuck you would better serve your constituents by focusing in on the nursing home problem that you avoided, that cost lives, just saying. It is in your state. Maybe that money you want from the taxpayers to build a bridge into Canada, under the disguise of COVID bill, would be better suited to maybe something that ensures our elderly are not taken advantage of again. If we want to walk down energy issues, New York has had renowned power outages in 2019, 2012, 2006, and 2003 just in this century alone. Think about that. So maybe after you clean up your backyard, the great citizens of Texas might listen to you. I would not hold my breath since you cannot even get our lingo right. So, back in June of 2013, Chuck you tried to cutesy and use one of put downs. I think now is the time to use it correctly and call it for what it is. Chuck, you are all hat and no cattle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doesn’t America Deserve Better than this? I would simply say yes.

Originally published at on February 25, 2021.



Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet

Ian has received awards in journalism, who is a 31-year Veteran from the Army. Ian is an author of the Rick and Katja series "The Birth of a Spy Couple!!"