Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet
2 min readFeb 11, 2022


Valentine’s Day

Be bold my fellow men, be bold!!!!!

Wow, it’s been a brisk week this last week. Chilly enough here in Texas that the sidekick and myself decided to sit by the fireplace instead of the front porch. Ok, we had our two weeks of wintertime to start thinking about how soon we can jump in the pool down here in Texas. Before we jump in the pool, though, we still have a few more days and Holidays we got to get through.

This weekend we are embracing the beloved Valentine’s Day. The day when some men are in the doghouse for not planning well enough and not meeting their significant others’ expectations. Then we have those that did plan, they are not in the doghouse, and those men will breathe a sigh of relief. They get the high five for staying out of the doghouse. Then you have some guys on the sidelines not worrying about any doghouse because there is no significant other in their lives at this time of their lives.

So, I wonder, who came up with this day when all men are expected to dump money on our significant other? Are we reserved to only show our appreciation and affection to them on this one day, or shouldn’t this be something we are doing every day with our loved ones? Is there a day when women are expected to buy things for men? We are in a world of equality. There is a lot to debate on this day called Valentine’s Day.

For me, I say tread lightly fellas, a few dollars spent on the Mrs. or Ms. will save you a few weeks in the doghouse. I am giving advice right now and not adhering to it myself. I like to live life dangerously and stir the pot with my wife. So, I am going out on a limb and having the courage to look her dead in the eye on Valentine’s Day empty-handed and smiling with these words leaving my mouth, “Happy Valentine’s Day, my love, I figured us being together is enough.” Be bold, my friends, don’t be scared; we can do this.

This is My Friday’s Thought to Ponder for the Weekend.

The Vet.

Photo by Wyron A on Unsplash



Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet

Ian has received awards in journalism, who is a 31-year Veteran from the Army. Ian is an author of the Rick and Katja series "The Birth of a Spy Couple!!"