We Are Concerned If It Fits Our Agenda

Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet
4 min readMar 25, 2021

Does a death only matter if we can fit it in with our political agenda?

We live in a time that we only get concerned if something fits our ideology or agenda. If it is not something, we align with, then why do we care? That is the mantra today. I have seen people say, “why is everyone worried about looney tunes and not a shooting?” My question is why can I not be concerned with both? Just asking, I mean I can multi-task. Am I not allowed to walk and chew gum at the same time? I understand we have witnessed legislators who cannot do this, but I am not an elected official. I am an individual that is dependent upon myself and not others, so I believe I can do two things at once.

I will simply use a recent example of this to demonstrate that we are only concerned with things that fit our agenda. On March 16, the Atlanta region suffered a horrendous crime. Eight people were killed at three different businesses. Most of these victims were of Asian descent. Now three days later, the POTUS and VP flew down to Atlanta and addressed the people of Georgia. In this forum they called out racism and hate, rightfully so. I wholeheartedly agree with them on this.

Moving forward to March 22, Boulder, Colorado had an active shooter where the gunman killed 10 people in a grocery store. This is a horrendous crime as well. Now the POTUS did address the shooting at Boulder from the White House, But do the victims and their families not deserve the POTUS flying out as well? I mean the POTUS did set that precedence. The VP was stopped by reporters in passing by as she was moving to a room in the White House, and she did express how horrible it was. Although that was in passing, it was not a trip that was especially made because of the event. So why is Boulder not as important as Atlanta? My question is, will the POTUS and VP fly to Boulder to make some remarks? Or do they reserve them for only when it fits the agenda that they are pushing? Are they only the POTUS and VP to people that align with their agenda? Because right now that is what it seems like.

So, they flew to Atlanta because that shooting helped propel their narrative that America is racist. The Atlanta shooter was a white male whereas the shooter in Boulder originally came from Syria. I guess the Syrian born shooter really does not match that theory that we are told to believe. Remember we received a history lesson on America being racists from the VP in Atlanta.

Over the last few years, the media has constantly informed us that America is racists. That is what a political party has driven in America to ensure they stoke the division to keep the “blue” party looking good. That is what the VP detailed to us in Atlanta instead of really focusing in on the victims.

I wholeheartedly believe that our nation has racists people in it. I have no doubt about that. I do not believe our country is racists though. If that was the case, why do immigrants by the thousands risk their lives in droves to come to America. I can honestly say that I cannot identify a racists person today that I know. I just do not know those people personally. Am I naïve? No, I am not. I just do not believe the narrative that it is rapid around here as we are led to believe. What is ashamed is in less than ten days, almost 20 people have died by the hands of two people. That is what is sad and sobering.

I do believe that America deserves to have leaders such as the POTUS and VP to be consistent in their messaging. Not to just support events that pander to their agenda, but to be the POTUS and VP for all Americans and all events that happen in America even if they do not fit their ideology and agenda. I would also expect that the POTUS and VP would push a “Love America” agenda over “divide America” agenda. But I do know that is how they got into the White House. Doesn’t America Deserve Better?

The Vet

Originally published at https://shop.thecoachandthevet.com on March 25, 2021.



Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet

Ian has received awards in journalism, who is a 31-year Veteran from the Army. Ian is an author of the Rick and Katja series "The Birth of a Spy Couple!!"