Who’s Bad????

Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet
4 min readDec 29, 2021

The man who had two vaccines or the man who didn’t get enough tests?

Today we live in a time that is pure tit for tat. There is no form of turning the other cheek, it is simply tit for tat at all costs. When we have something on an opponent, let us wash that dirty laundry out in public. That seems to be the only way in today’s time.

During the last Presidential election, President Trump was chastised for not having enough COVID tests. This was a new pandemic, that the biomed industry was wrapping their arms around and coming to grips with. The media and political opponents if we remember and wanted tests out practically before the virus was discovered. I am just calling it what it is. It was obvious there were not enough tests, and this was a great talking point for whom??? You know it, the very guy that likes to avoid the media. That is Joe Biden.

In late summer and early fall Joe Biden promised the American people numerous things. One was to have enough tests for the American people and second was to defeat the Corona Virus. Even the most blinded person could see through those empty promises.

Now I am not saying that #45 didn’t warrant some blame and critique in not having enough tests out. I think he does, but I also think expectations should have been set. A new virus comes out, and how fast can you turn on the medical industrial base to churn out two legitimate vaccines and enough tests to satisfy the public? Well for some you would never satisfy them and for others you could. As we all know you will never make everyone happy. What’s the old saying you can cure cancer, and some will still be mad. Maybe the saying should be, you can find two vaccines within 11 months of a world changing virus and get them to the public and the opposition party is still mad. Just remember it took two years to retool the industrial base in World War II to get production going to a satisfactory production level to support the US and their allies.

Some may remember that Time magazine even released, Joe Biden’s 7-point COVID-19 plan that Joe and his running mate were putting out to the public as how they were going to handle this crisis. The very first part of the plan is “testing as many people per day as are currently tested per week by doubling the number of testing sites in the U.S.; investing in rapid and at-home tests…”[1] This is the first part of his plan. He was going to have enough tests for the American public.

Here we are almost a year within Joe Biden’s Presidency and the word comes out that he will not have enough tests for the Omicron variant. Now it was Joe Biden that ran on the campaign that he would have us enough testing. He had a year to get familiar with the virus, instead of completely learning as you go as in the case of his predecessor. I think it would be fair to say that Joe Biden got into the White House because people believed his promise that he could get enough tests out and stop the virus.

All of this has been proven false and for many, they are dismayed. For me, I saw this coming a mile away. A career politician who had countless questionable decisions in his public service and has zero real world experience. Did we expect him to finally after 47 years of public office to put on the leadership cape that he never wore and excel at it???? Let’s be honest now, did we expect him to really, hmmm, lead? Instead, he figured out Donald J. Trump was right all along, and this was something that the federal government couldn’t win our way through, and it was up to state and local leaders. It is unfortunate that it took him a year and on the backs of families across America to finally understand that his predecessor had the answer. How many lives did we lose in this year for this learning experience? But hey we had hope, didn’t we? How many families will not be the same because of this needless journey we went down? Now is Joe to be blamed for the virus? No, he is not but he could have led us down a better path.

Let’s see what that path could have been. Hmmm, supporting the two vaccines from #45 instead of demonizing them and putting fear into the American public. Then thinking when you’re the POTUS that everyone will suddenly welcome those vaccines with open arms. Maybe put a strong public push for therapeutics so the people will want them to, from my understanding they work. I have yet to hear him mutter one word of them. Maybe not threaten Americans to get the vaccine but instead just talk about the positives. The energy he put into making policies to punish people, businesses and servicemembers for not getting the vaccine instead put all that effort into getting more vaccines, therapeutics, and support to the states out there. Have talks with both parties and lift them both up instead of making it a one-party solution.

There is a lot to be done here. Now I could go on for a tit for tat and say so much for false campaign promises which would be a true statement. The bottom line in all honesty is I am tired of that. We simply need the POTUS to lead all Americans, not just the ones he likes or the ones that are vaccinated. I think America Deserves Better than what we have right now.

The Vet

Ducharme, J. (2020, October 30). Here’s What We Know About Joe Biden’s COVID-19 Plan. Retrieved from Time: https://time.com/5905502/biden-covid-19-plan/

[1] (Ducharme, 2020)

Originally published at https://shop.thecoachandthevet.com on December 29, 2021.



Ian Griffin
The Coach And The Vet

Ian has received awards in journalism, who is a 31-year Veteran from the Army. Ian is an author of the Rick and Katja series "The Birth of a Spy Couple!!"