A letter from Trump’s fourth term. (2032 in Gregorian Calendar years)

It Could Be Worse

Rebekah Altig
The Codex
2 min readDec 19, 2016


Dear Sister,

I just wanted to remind you of how great America has become.

The year is 15 and there are many who cant remember the SAD! days before Trumps.

Trump has changed the enlistment age to 14. So people who were not alive in the before times are being enlisted.

But the younger enlistment age is fine, they are not going to fight, just protect the home front, boyscout stuff.

The Youth of America.

The older men are fighting on the Russia/China front. (Putin really wanted eggrolls and did not want to have the shame of paying someone to make them).

But this is all fine because we all work in the factories now. Someone has to make all those cool bombs and tanks! Factory jobs are GOOD jobs. My grandpapy told me so. Good, steady, dependable work.

Sure, the skies are grey and they had to put a dike around the financial district in New York.

It could be a lot worse.

Although those rumored factory deaths are kinda troubling, but that is just big media trying to scare us!

But EVERYONE has a job now! An honest 12 hours work a day. It makes me feel so useful.

It could be a lot worse.

We are all working to Keep America Great!

I have to go take care of young Jonny, he got a cough and he says his lungs hurt, but I am sure it is nothing.

Everything is going to be alright.

Your Loving Sis,


P.S. I know the Patriotism Board is going to read this but you have to remember, just do what they tell you and it will be alright.

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