Down in the Trumps: Part 3

A Canadian mindset on a Trump Presidency

Rocky D.L.
The Codex
6 min readNov 11, 2016


Our friends from up North are always looking down at us and shaking their heads, or at least it feels that way. Today I had a call with a gentleman at work who’s located in Vancouver, and the first thing he said to me was, “Hey, how’s your morning going over there? You must be having it pretty rough!” then followed it up with a snicker. He friggin’ laughed, while most of us aren’t laughing at all. So it’s obvious that people around the world can feel the disdain in our blood from the Tuesday’s results. That being said, I figure this would be a great time to get the perspective of someone from Canada who I admire and respect, someone who isn’t afraid to give me some real Canadian answers!

In the final part of this journey, I was lucky to have my wonderful Canadian brother Brett Hayes in the States for a while, and I got his perspective on the US Presidential election. I don’t get to see him much, but when I do, he always speaks with a certain charm that captivates the room. Though you don’t get to hear him, you’ll find in this read that his insight is still just as captivating and powerful. Our political views may be different, but our hopes for America and our friends are still the same, that is what the nation as one, really needs to stand behind right now.

Brett! As always, it is quite the pleasure to see you sir, you picked a fun time to visit the US don’t you think?

Likewise my friend! It’s great to be here. To be honest, I didn’t even think about the election when I was planning to visit although I knew it was coming up. My visit sort-of just happened, you know? But now that I’m here, it’s been one heck of a ride! It’s been interesting to listen in on political discussions with my fellow Americans.

Now give me a little about yourself, what brings you out here to California?

Well, I’m a Software Engineer for a company called GoGuardian currently leading the front-end for one of our products. I joined early on in the company about two years ago. We’re an ed-tech startup based out of El Segundo and originally from Hermosa Beach. I’m currently a digital nomad so I usually travel quarterly and stay here for weeks to months at a time. I reside back home in Canada though.

So, it’s no secret that the US has been going through a crazy election year, what do you think of our government? Any insight on who you would vote for if you were a US Citizen? Care to share why?

It’s definitely been an exhausting year for my American friends. I feel their pain all the way back home in Canada. I think this year has been one of the toughest in politics. Coming down to the finish line, both candidates weren’t the best moose in the forest. However, if I were an American citizen I would probably vote for Trump. From the amount that I know about politics, which isn’t very much, I at least know his views are more in my favour compared to Hillary’s. But that doesn’t mean I like everything he says or does.

It always seems like Canada is the butt of all the jokes for Americans, but when we feel as though we’re in trouble, everyone wants to run there. What do you think about that?

I think that’s a bit selfish and un-American. Not only should you be proud of the country you live in, but in times of trouble I don’t think you should run away from your problems. I believe in being strong, courageous, encouraging, and not fearful. If you live in fear, you’re doing life wrong. Keep living in the present time and have faith.

Every year when an election is over, everyone says they’re going to run to Canada, does that bother you?

Haha, this is great! You can’t not laugh at that for a moment. It’s the same old story every year. But in all seriousness, it does bother me a bit. In Canada, we have our fair share of problems too. I think every country does. But if you’re running away from conflict instead of helping solve problems then you’re not really making a difference in your country are you? It takes one person to make a positive impact. So be that person.

Do you think people are REALLY going to run to Canada this time? They seem a lot more upset this time around than they were back in the Obama years.

Well I know one thing is for sure, Canada isn’t just going to allow anybody in, even if they can sing all the lyrics to “O Canada.” But I do think people are going to try haha. Many of my friends and coworkers have already laid out their plans to come visit me indefinitely. I chuckled. But while I welcome all my American friends for a rip in the great white north, I don’t advise them leaving their country because some of them are unhappy with their President. The president can’t please everybody. It’s difficult to be a leader.

Canadians are gonna miss Obama, aren’t they?

Are they? I’m not so sure. From what I’ve heard, Canada’s interests haven’t really advanced while he was in office. In fact some things have suffered. Not the maple syrup though. It’s still flourishing out the maple trees like sugary goodness.

What do you think our government can learn from your government?

Apart from Justin Trudeau having swag like Prince Ali from Disney’s Aladdin, he isn’t no diamond in the rough either. I’m sure there are things both governments can learn from each other. I don’t think it’s one sided.

A lot of concern about the well being of Muslims, LGBTQ, and Hispanic communities has risen since Trump started his campaign. As a WAY outsider looking in, do you think they have anything to worry about? Why or why not?

Probably. I think Trump is going to clean up America for the better and be used to shed some light on the country as well. From what his views state, foreign policy and immigration will be more strict and he’s going to try and put an end to our enemies. That sounds like a safer America to me. Wouldn’t you agree? However, I feel for those who are innocent because you can’t paint everyone with the same brush.

I heard from a very reliable source that you hate poutine. Do you feel as though you are disrespecting your people? Is that Uncanadian?

Hahaha, your reliable source doesn’t sound very reliable. I definitely don’t hate poutine. Hate is also a strong word. True story though, I had a bad experience one time in Montreal with poutine. It set me back with food poisoning for a week. Since then I’ve chosen not to eat poutine. But if you’re into fries, gravy, cheese, and bacon, we have the best poutine in Canada. For myself, all those foods are great on their own. Did you know we also have the best Canadian back bacon? Mmmmmmmm bacon.

Do you have any words of advice to us Americans? Lay some of that Canadian Wisdom on us.

Absolutely! Stay strong, stay positive, live in the present, and don’t be fearful for your future. I believe Trump will be used for good and that he has America’s best interest in mind. I think he’s going to do great things for you guys so hang in there! The heat is too fresh right now so this might not reside well with those who are upset or close minded. But it will all blow over soon. Maybe some of our snow from the great white north will sprinkle down on y’all in the USA? That might make Trump reconsider his views on global warming haha. Jokes aside, he’ll surely make America great again!

Read Part 1

Read Part 2

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Rocky D.L.
The Codex

A story teller at best, who’s not the best, but gives his best.