Sweet baby-Jesus; AI says Trump Wins

Karl Fezer
The Codex
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2016
Seems right.

So, I’m conflicted. An AI has said that Trump will win. This is not ideal.

Firstly, my issue is it seems to be an aggregate of social media mentions, meaning that people mention Trump more. It does not have anything to do with the context of the mention. Every time you post to your friends on Facebook about the sweet Trumpkin you carved, that counts. So, it might not actually be accurate.

It was between “Trumpkin” and “Pudgy Cthulhu.” I went with the scarier one.

But it hasn’t been wrong. In its 12 years of running, this social engagement gauge has been accurate with predicting outcomes.

We do, luckily, have an Ex Machina counterpoint. TechRepublic has run it’s ‘Swarm AI’ (I’ll get into my problems with that in a hot-minute) that says Clinton will win.

So, the problem with the ‘Swarm AI’ is that it’s more like a group study that has augmented the data to make each group reach a consensus. Basically, it’s an online poll, and we all know how much those actually mean.

Also, Swarm Robotics is a thing already, and from what I can see, there is very little Artificial-Intelligence going into that and more Human-Opinion.

In short, no one knows, neither man nor machine. If you’re reading this after November 9th, we can see which algorithm was more accurate. I would say expect edits, but why bother? I might already be somewhere in a bunker.

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Karl Fezer
The Codex

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