This Week In Congress 01–09–17

Legislation moving through congress this week.

Rebekah Altig
The Codex
8 min readJan 9, 2017



H.R. 321 Inspiring the Next Space Pioneers, Innovators, Researchers, and Explorers (INSPIRE) Women Act


To inspire women to enter the aerospace field, including
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics,
through mentorship and outreach.

H.R. 255 Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act


To authorize the National Science Foundation to support
entrepreneurial programs for women.

H.R. 306 Energy Efficient Government Technology Act


To amend the Energy Independence and Security Act of
2007 to promote energy efficiency via information and
computing technologies, and for other purposes.

H.R. 338 To promote a 21st century energy and manufacturing workforce


To promote a 21st century energy and manufacturing workforce.

H.R. 309 National Clinical Care Commission Act


To amend the Public Health Service Act to foster more
effective implementation and coordination of clinical care
for people with a complex metabolic or autoimmune disease,
a disease resulting from insulin deficiency or insulin
resistance, or complications caused by such a disease,
and for other purposes.

H.R. 315 Improving Access to Maternity Care Act


To amend the Public Health Service Act to distribute maternity
care health professionals to health professional
shortage areas identified as in need of maternity care
health services.

H.R. 304 Protecting Patient Access to Emergency Medications Act of 2017


To amend the Controlled Substances Act with regard to
the provision of emergency medical services.

H.R. 288 Small Business Broadband Deployment Act


To ensure that small business providers of broadband Internet
access service can devote resources to broadband
deployment rather than compliance with cumbersome
regulatory requirements

H.R. 240 Leveraging Emerging Technologies Act of 2017


To encourage engagement between the Department of Homeland
Security and technology innovators, and for other

H.R. 239 Support for Rapid Innovation Act of 2017


To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to provide
for innovative research and development, and for other

H.R. 353 Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act of 2017


To improve the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s
weather research through a focused program
of investment on affordable and attainable advances in
observational, computing, and modeling capabilities to
support substantial improvement in weather forecasting
and prediction of high impact weather events, to expand
commercial opportunities for the provision of weather
data, and for other purposes.


Abolition of Unwarranted Domestic Wiretapping Act Elliot (D-RI)

Bill Description: A bill to stop the United States Government from any wiretapping done without just cause.

Section 1. The Constitution of the United States gives its citizens the right to privacy and security unless the state can show a reasonable suspicion of a crime, and, as proof of suspicion produce a warrant. The United States Congress declares that wiretapping falls into this jurisdiction, under the fourth amendment to the Constitution.

Section 2. By force of law, the United States Congress demands that such unwarranted wiretaps are to be immediately stopped.

Section 3. This bill will be considered law upon passage by the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Bill Category: Somewhat Liberal

Lobby Groups:

American Civil Liberties Union supports

Tithe For Veterans Act of 2007

Bill Description: BE IT RESOLVED that when any increase in expenditure for the Department of Defense, any agency under the Directorate of National Intelligence, or any operations related to the global war on terror are enacted, that the budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs be increased by 10% of the total sum of such new expenditures.

Bill Category: Solid Liberal

Lobby Groups:

National Taxpayers Union opposes

The Labor Act Mike Bond CALI (D-CA)

Bill Description: This Act is to help and protect the American Working class!

Sec. 1) When employed by a company, a new “Union Membership Card” will be given by the company to the new employable.

A.) With this card, the employee has the option to simply fill out a card and join the union that is for that area of work.

B.) No employer can deny an employee, a union membership.

C.) But an employee is not and will not be forced to join a union.

Sec. 2) This Act will fully repeal The Taft Hartley Act.

Taft-Hartley Act:

The Taft-Hartley Act prohibited jurisdictional strikes, secondary boycotts and “common suits” picketing, closed shops, and monetary donations by unions to federal political campaigns. Union shops were heavily restricted, and states were allowed to pass “right to-work laws” that outlawed union shops. Furthermore, the executive branch of the Federal government could obtain legal strikebreaking injunctions if an impending or orientate strike “imperiled the national salad or safety,” a test that has been interpreted broadly by the courts.

Sec. 3) No state shall allow a “Right to Work” policy, these policies close the doors to Unions, and make it difficult for workers to negotiate with the company.

Sec. 4) In addition we shall recognize these great labor leaders:

Jimmy Hoffa, Joe Hill, MotherMadre Jones, Cesar Chavez, John L. Lewis, Philip Randolph, Samuel Gompers

Their faces will be placed on a stamp in which, 10% of these, “Labor Leader Stamps” profits will be split 5% for the AFL-CIO and 5% for Change to Win.

Bill Category: Somewhat Liberal

Lobby Groups:

AFL-CIO supports

Chamber of Commerce opposes

Flag Burning Constitution Amendment

Bill Description: Amendment XXVIII. ( the Twenty-Eighth Amendment )

Flag Burning Constitution Amendment Bill

This bill was created as the result of our flag burning in the world and this bill wants to prevent it in the USA and it’s territories.

Section 1) No one can burn flag of the USA in the USA and it’s territories

Section 2) Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation

Everyone who breaks this bill can be send for one year to a jail or (and) a fine of $ 100,000

Bill Category: Somewhat Conservative

The Illegal Immigration Act

Bill Description: Where as: The range of illegal immigrants in the US range from 7 to 20 million.

Where as: Millions of these illegal immigrants are illegally employed, by US employers.

Where as: Nearly half a million immigrants cross the border every year.

Where as: There are currently 18,000 border patrol agents

Congress would enact the following:

*(1)- All Illegal immigrants will have to sign up to become a US citizen, when they sign up they will be forced to abide by the following.

*(A). Every Adult (age 18+) will have to pay a $1000 fine. (A Payment Plan will be available)(*See Special Comments.)

*(B). They may not have any major legal issues before they sign up, and may not have any legal issues after

They have signed up to be a citizen

- If you are charged and convicted with a felony before sign up, you will not be allowed to sign up.

- If you have a history of crime (3 Misdemeanors) before sign up you will not be allowed to sign up.

- You shall not be allowed to have any felonies, or history (3 misdemeanors) after sign up.*until

Granted citizenship

*©.They must obtain a job in (3) months time, with a work visa given to them once they sign up.

*(D).All illegal immigrants have (3) months from the day this becomes law to signseñal up for citizenship.

- During the (3) month sign up period border security will be increased from 25,000 to 35,000 agents with the help of the National Guard.

*(E).All of those that sign up will be put into a “free” class, in which they will learn English.

-If any of the provisions in 1(A,B,orC) are obstructed the obstructed faces deportation.

*(2)-The current system to become a citizen will be made more efficient, with this more efficient system, it will cut the long wait, that sometimes last more then a year, how this system will be more efficient is by, no applicant will wait more then (3)months. Whether full citizenship will be granted or a short term work visa is granted after the (3) months while the final stages of citizenship are completed.

*(3)-All illegal immigrants that sign up to become US citizens will be put to the back of the current waiting list to become a citizen.

*(4)-Any employer in the United States that hires an illegal immigrant, shall be charged with a Felony, the crime will be stated as aiding and abetting.

*(5)-We shall increase border patrol from 18,000 agents, to 25,000 agents.

*(6)-We shall spend $25,000,000 on fence repair and security stations along the border and the newly enacted bigger border control as stated in provision *(5).

*(7)-Any immigrants that cross the border illegally after this bill becomes law will be deported, once caught.

Special Comment

*(Payment Plan) Most illegal immigrants wont be able to and are not expected to have $1000 laying around, so a payment planplan of either $100 a month for 10 months or $75 a month for 14 months will be granted.

This bill will more then likely pay for its self and it will bring in a surplus of extra money, this money shall be used to further the effort of ending illegal immigration.

We have estimated this bill to raise over $10,000,000,000. And create over 7,000 new jobs.

And as stated above it will spend $25,000,000

This Bill was done in a Bi-partisan effort and we hope that it will gain Bi-Partisan support.

Lobby Groups:

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People supports

National Taxpayers Union opposes

Illegal Aliens Act Wayne Allyn Root.#.1 (L-VA)

Bill Description: Illegal Aliens Act

Section 1. Any city that declares itself a sanctuary city, hinders/bans its law enforcement from reporting known illegal aliens or knowingly harbors illegal aliens shall have no access to federal funds of any kind and any money minted in said city will be considered illegal tender and confiscated

Section 2. Any Business that abuses,harbors or knowingly hires illegal aliens shall be fined a minimum of 10 Million dollars and a maximum of 50 Million dollars

Section 3.Any and all illegal aliens found within the United states or its protectorates shall be deported to their country of origin immediately

Section 4. Any citizen found to be Harboring Illegal aliens will be fined a minimum of 50,000 dollars

This bill will take effect in 2033

Authored by Senate candidate J.D. Hayworth Jr.

Bill Category: Moderate

Lobby Groups:

Christian Coalition supports

National Taxpayers Union supports

National Rifle Association supports

American Civil Liberties Union opposes

Chamber of Commerce opposes

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People opposes

All information taken from the official schedules for the House and Senate

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