VBR 11: ‘When You Eventually Unfollow Me’, with guest Jack Appleby

Variable Bitrate Podcast
The Codex
Published in
1 min readOct 16, 2016

Jack Appleby is a Social Media Strategist by day at Ayzenberg Group, a killer marketing agency in California that’s worked with really awesome brands over the years. In his spare time, he talks music at a number of publications and has even dabbled in the label/management side of things once or twice. Get to know Jack as he spills the beans on just how many copies of intheclouds’ 12 Lathes records were cut as well as a certain supergroup follow-up LP that exists somewhere in the world.

The show’s theme song is “Pretty Sure” by Old Best Friend. Your host is @jacobtender. Find Variable Bitrate on Facebook and Twitter too.

Originally published at curbside.audio.

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