This Is Why Apple Would Reject Your App

Daniel Kioko
Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2021

Top reasons why Apple will turn down your app

Apple is very critical when it comes approving applications for sale on the AppStore.

Getting your app rejected by Apple isn’t all bad news, the reviewers will let you know what’s wrong and what changes are required to be made

Today, I’ll discuss a number of things I learned while submitting my apps.


It’s good to test your app thoroughly across devices, especially if it is supported on older model of iPhones with slower processors.

If a process is being slowed down by uncontrollable circumstances such as network latency, it’s best to notify the user that a process is on going by using custom loading animations or even UIKit’s activity indicator.

Empty placeholders indicate that your app is incomplete and might cause it to be rejected.


If your app uses any form of social authentication method, Apple requires that you also have ‘Sign In With Apple’ as an available option — they will reject your app if you leave that option out.

Payment Methods

Apple provides specific guidelines for apps that charge users to unlock features or access services.

The reviewer will reject your app if you have alternative methods of payment and don’t setup in-app purchases with Apple Pay.

Inaccurate Description

Developers should make sure that the information on AppStore Connect explicitly defines what the app does.

If the app’s description is in any way deceptive, it will get rejected and you might also end up in lawsuit.

Reference to Google Play or other App Platforms

Lastly, Apple will reject your app if you have references such as links or logos of other app platforms such as Google Play. Make sure that all the information presented, such as screenshots, is only iOS related.

