What’s new in Flutter?

Google just released Flutter 2.5 — here’s a brief breakdown on what’s new.

Daniel Kioko
2 min readSep 9, 2021


Flutter has new improvement for fullscreen mode: the new options for developers are sticky, sticky immersive, lean back, edge to edge, more customization options.

Developers can now override the text editing keyboard to re-assign tasks that a ran by keyboard shortcuts.

The Floating Action Button is updated with new themes and sizes.

The Scrollbars can be set to be visible or invisible even if the user is not scrolling.

ScaffoldMessenger widget — a SnackBar type of notifications — now allows developers to add a banner to the top of a scaffold that does not disappear until the user dismisses it.

Flutter’s camera plugin can now give an app access to the device cameras.

The Image Picker plugin for iOS and Android now complies with Scoped Storage — a feature meant to provide better protection for data on external storage by restricting access to the specific directories.

The DevTools have also been improved to help identify UI performance issues such as slow frame times, allowing developers to find what needs to be fixed.

The DevTools inspector is more developer-friendly. It now shows what the debug buttons are for and makes it easier to find widgets in the widget tree view.

