The Collective_ v1. NQ

Enkhbolor Gantulga
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2020

Not long ago, the people that I chose to be closest to in my community were people who live by the slogan “Work Hard. Play Hard”. And for those who are not familiar with the terminology, this entails draining your energy for work and blowing the steam off by partying like there is no tomorrow :)

However, as the time passes by /yeah… the millennials lol/, one day you wake up in the middle of the day realizing that your body starts to give up on you. Once a high performing organism, your body would fail in recovering at the same speed. Waking up tired and even more stressed, you start to show the symptoms of depression and ‘burn-out’ as we say these days. You start to wonder “Is this too far-fetched?”, “Is this really how it’s supposed to feel?”, “How could other ‘fully-functioning’ entrepreneurs can go like this?” … etc.

At some point you start wondering what if you proactively start seeking for more sustainable and high-performance lifestyle choices. Rethinking your choices for food, exercise, sleep and mental health. Along the road of physical, emotional and relationships recovery there comes an ‘Aha!’ moment where you recognize that all the things that we believed to make us strong or live fulfilling lives were within us all the time.

Because as a community builder in our minds there is always a question “ how can I help people to become more successful entrepreneurs?”, and with that in mind so many times we tend to forget about taking care of ourselves. We tend to put a pause on our relationships with ourselves, family, friends and people who are closest to us and taking those relationships for granted.

So by this letter, the message / as much you must have heard them/ that we want to remind is:

  1. Be grateful for all the opportunities you have, but don’t neglect yourself and your loved ones along this amazing journey you took up on.
  2. Happiness is a choice. And because it is a choice. You are the only person who is able to cultivate it. AND nothing or no one is able to bring you happiness unless you choose to.
  3. Value your time and experiences that framed who you are today. And make time once in a while to take a step back and reevaluate “Are you where you want to be?”, “Are you doing something that you truly enjoy?”, “Are you surrounded by people you want to be with?”.

This journey can be and should be truly joyful. Trust us. Once you realize that we hope you’ll start making the choices that you’ll thank yourself for ahead.



Enkhbolor Gantulga

Novelty seeker. Design thinking addict. Lifelong learner. Innovation junkie. Mindset adjunct.