Grab Bag - July 2024
Old stuff made new!
When life gets busy sometimes the comics creating falls by the wayside. Life…am I right? But we always want to make sure that our team’s hard work is published, no matter how long it takes. Welcome to our second round of Grab Bag comics from the themes of yesteryear. Well, yestermonth or yesterweek really.
Theme: 311_UnlikelyGhosts
Theme: 319_HallmarkMovieCrossovers
Theme: 323_OnePanelComics
Theme: 324_DarkCountryRoad
Theme: 334_MedievalVampire
Theme: 338_PublicDomainCharactersReturn
Theme: 343_InTheWrongGenre
Theme: 344_ThePrisoner
Theme: 344_ThePrisoner
Theme: 347_ItsDarkInThere
Theme: 347_ItsDarkInThere
Christian De Matteo is a writer and college professor, founder of and co-founder of with artist-extraordinaire James Lines. He loves all forms of art and entertainment, enjoys long walks on the beach and other less sandy locations, and is fatally allergic to fluffy cats (in case you wanted to get rid of him). He can be found pontificating/dad-joking on Twitter: @CDMetc and @FugitivePoems. He cannot draw. Like at all.
Rachel (she/her) is a California based artist with a quirky style, as she has been told. She likes cartoons, cute things, and spooky/creepy things. Puns, dark humor, and aged references are perfecto. See her work at
Tom Lynott lives in Arizona with his adorable wife, two boys and a Corgi / Border-Collie mix named Ace. He took part in Comics Experience’s Introduction to Lettering Comics class in May 2021. You can see more of his work at He has also been known to script a story or two.
Jack Van Thomme illustrates comics and pitches in when he can. You can see the things he likes to draw and read the things he likes to talk about on Twitter and Instagram @Real_JackVT
Mark Gibson Capitelli and Bigfoot have never been seen in the same place at the same time. Just sayin. Anyway, Mark is the Senior Editor at Fugitive Poems ( an English tutor, and a husband and father. If you’re looking for him, find him on Discord (BigPoppaCaps#4058).
Patrick Hicks lives in Minnesota and has been writing since that time he shattered his leg in 7th grade. He’s written short stories, comics, and once spent a year interviewing a former Mafia Made Man and writing a novel of his life (seriously). Has been known to drop everything and start structuring a new story at all hours of the night. He loves discussing outlines and story structure and can be reached on
Christian De Matteo is a writer and college professor, founder of and co-founder of with artist-extraordinaire James Lines. He loves all forms of art and entertainment, enjoys long walks on the beach and other less sandy locations, and is fatally allergic to fluffy cats (in case you wanted to get rid of him). He can be found pontificating/dad-joking on Twitter: @CDMetc and @FugitivePoems. He cannot draw. Like at all.
Drawdrigo is an architect by profession and an artist by passion. While he spends most of his days designing buildings, his true love lies in creating comic book and manga illustrations. With a keen eye for detail and a talent for bringing characters to life, Drawdrigo spends much of his free time exploring different styles and techniques. His dream is to one day see his art gracing the pages of a comic book or on the cover of a graphic novel. When he’s not sketching or designing, Drawdrigo can be found lost in the pages of his favorite comic books, drawing inspiration from the greats who have come before him.
Luke W. Henderson (They/Them) is a writer of comics, prose, and poetry. Their work has been published in multiple anthologies and zines including Corrupting the Youth, Sage Cigarettes, and The Dark Side of Purity Vol. 3 (Bands of Bards) with upcoming works in Project Big Hype Vol. 3 and Comics from the Kitchen (Foreign Press Comics).
Elijah Vazquez is a writer and artist who loves making comics and writing scripts. He lives in Greenville, SC and is a husband and father of two. If he’s not drawing, he’s probably weightlifting or running around the house with his kids. His favorite author is Philip K. Dick.