Public Domain & Weird Places to Put a Vortex

Double Feature week!

The Comic Jam
The Comic Jam


For our Public Domain theme, creators were tasked with taking a public domain superhero and creating a new comic with him. Read a brand new story about Phantasmo, Master of the World!

If you had a vortex, where would you put it? Is it weird that you have a vortex?

Story by Dustin Luke Nelson | Art by Claudio Ghirardo | Letters by LetterSquids
Story by Philip Butehorn | Art and Letters by John Jack
Story by Nick Bryan | Art by John Muth | Letters by Kevin D. Lintz

Dustin Luke Nelson is a writer based out of the Midwest that writes and edits for Thrillist. His musical taste is impeccable and he can pick you out a good beer. You can find links to his writing here:

A graduate of the Joe Kubert School of Cartoon & Graphic Art, Inc. Claudio Ghirardo loves to experiment and push the boundaries of comics.

Justin/LetterSquids is a letterer and a designer. He makes comics look and read better. His portfolio can be found here:

Phillip Butehorn is a husband, father, and suburban horror writer. In 2020, he had comic shorts published in several anthologies: Heroes Needs Masks, Zombies: We’re Humans Too Vol 2, Housebound, and Nightmare Theater. In 2021, Phil plans on owning the anthology comic market. Including the Neverland Anthology, Phil will have stories in Monster Mashup Vol 2, Fletcher Cross, and Not So Fair Tales anthologies.

John Jack is a Seattle based comic writer and artist. Find his work at and follow him on Twitter at

Nick Bryan is a writer of comics and prose from London, inspired by a combination of mounting fear, an eclectic range of comics, TV & literary novels, and his vague recollections of a philosophy degree. He enjoys overthinking, pub quizzes and a nice white beer.”

John R. Muth is everywhere. He is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see him when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel him when you go to work. When you go to church. When you pay your taxes. He is the cartoonist that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. That he makes comics that can be read at or on Twitter @mmuutthh “Whoa!”

Kevin D. Lintz is a comic book letterer and writer. He learned his skills in a Comics Experience class and honed them on the mean streets of his all-ages comic book, Team SLUG. He startles his family by making sound effect noises out loud to try and translate them into written words. He has even watched “Helvetica”, the full-length feature movie about the font Helvetica.



The Comic Jam
The Comic Jam

A group of independent artists and writers collaborating to create short comics based on weekly themes.