Public Domain Characters Return!

They’re back and copyright free!

The Comic Jam
The Comic Jam
4 min readApr 29, 2024


From the annals of history and literature, beloved characters of yesteryear make a triumphant comeback, leaping from the pages of time to grace our one-page comics with their timeless tales. Join us as we rediscover the legends of old, from swashbuckling adventurers to masked vigilantes, fairy-tale heroes to mythological creatures.

Story by Devin Whitlock | Art and Letters by Michael Howe
Story and Letters by Tom Lynott | Art by Elijah Vasquez
Story by Philip Butehorn | Art by Aaron Brown | Letters by Tom Lynott
Story by Christian De Matteo | Art and Letters by Will Norland
Story by Patrick Hicks | Art and Letters by Dave Hingley
Story by Luke W. Henderson | Art and Letters by Jack Van Thomme
Story by Jonathan Chiotis | Art by Claudio Ghirardo | Letters by Tom Lynott

Devin Whitlock is a writer and editor who helps run the Chicago Public Library s Comics Book Club, all of which you can read about in his newsletter ( He has comics in two forthcoming anthologies and was a semifinalist for the Negative Spaces Diversity Comic Book Writing Competition. You can follow him on Instagram ( or Bluesky (

Michael Howe is a mainly-digital artist living in Colorado, who crafts characters and stories with heart, trying to help people feel adventure and wonder, generally through fantasy art of some kind. Also, he like trains. And animals. His Twitter and Instagram are both @MichaelHoweArts

Tom Lynott lives in Arizona with his adorable wife, two boys and a Corgi / Border-Collie mix named Ace. He took part in Comics Experience’s Introduction to Lettering Comics class in May 2021. You can see more of his work at He has also been known to script a story or two.

Phillip Butehorn is a husband, father, and suburban horror writer. In 2020, he had comic shorts published in several anthologies: Heroes Needs Masks, Zombies: We’re Humans Too Vol 2, Housebound, and Nightmare Theater. In 2021, Phil plans on owning the anthology comic market. Including the Neverland Anthology, Phil will have stories in Monster Mashup Vol 2, Fletcher Cross, and Not So Fair Tales anthologies.

Aaron Brown is fully operational and all of his circuits are functioning perfectly. Living in Massachusetts he is the creator of #IOTCOMIC and the fortune telling comic Casbah The Rock. Caricaturist and solid band name inventor. Find his work at

Christian De Matteo is a writer and college professor, founder of and co-founder of with artist-extraordinaire James Lines. He loves all forms of art and entertainment, enjoys long walks on the beach and other less sandy locations, and is fatally allergic to fluffy cats (in case you wanted to get rid of him). He can be found pontificating/dad-joking on Twitter: @CDMetc and @FugitivePoems. He cannot draw. Like at all.

Will Norland is a animation student in London. He always used to make small comics as a child and is finding his passion for creating comics once again. Will he finally finish something longer than 2 pages? Only time will tell…

Patrick Hicks lives in Minnesota and has been writing since that time he shattered his leg in 7th grade. He’s written short stories, comics, and once spent a year interviewing a former Mafia Made Man and writing a novel of his life (seriously). Has been known to drop everything and start structuring a new story at all hours of the night. He loves discussing outlines and story structure and can be reached on

Dave Hingley is an artist/creator/game designer living in England. He pulls dreams out of his head and displays them to the delight of everyone who views them. Let s just pray he never has a nightmare…

Luke W. Henderson (They/Them) is a writer of comics, prose, and poetry. Their work has been published in multiple anthologies and zines including Corrupting the Youth, Sage Cigarettes, and The Dark Side of Purity Vol. 3 (Bands of Bards) with upcoming works in Project Big Hype Vol. 3 and Comics from the Kitchen (Foreign Press Comics).

Jack Van Thomme illustrates comics and pitches in when he can. You can see the things he likes to draw and read the things he likes to talk about on Twitter and Instagram @Real_JackVT

A graduate of the Joe Kubert School of Cartoon & Graphic Art, Inc. Claudio Ghirardo loves to experiment and push the boundaries of comics.



The Comic Jam
The Comic Jam

A group of independent artists and writers collaborating to create short comics based on weekly themes.