The Box

What’s inside may change your life.

ct Allen
The Comic Jam
4 min readMar 12, 2021


Hello faithful compadres! It’s time again to devour another batch of fresh comics right outta the Comic Jam oven. I want to go ahead and get to them, but first I want to talk about the Big Hype anthology by comic jam member Doug A Woods. Doug has brought together a ton of talented writers and artists to make a Shojen Jump style book with western sensibilities. He’s involved quite a few members of the jam, and I really want you to check it out.

(Story by Jesse Galena | Art by Gabbie Scanlon | Letters by LetterSquids)
(Story by Summer Steinhart | Art by Dave Hingley | Letters by Kevin D Lintz)
(Story and Letters by TJ Troy | Art by Claudio Ghirardo)

Jesse Galena is a writer living outside of Washington DC. In his spare time he enjoys playing tabletop games, spending quality time with his partner, and communing with the dead via broken antique radios. You can find up to date information about his current projects via his website here:

Gabbie Scanlon is a force of nature living in the UK. She grinds the bones of her enemies to dust that she then uses as inkwash. Fear her.

Summer Steinhart is a writer/artist living in Florida. She lives with her pet pig that occasionally eats her artwork, but she loves her anyway.

Dave Hingley is an artist/creator/game designer living in England. He pulls dreams out of his head and displays them to the delight of everyone who views them. Let’s just pray he never has a nightmare…

Kevin D. Lintz is a comic book letterer and writer. He learned his skills in a Comics Experience class and honed them on the mean streets of his all-ages comic book, Team SLUG. He has lettered several stories for Comics Experience alumni stories and anthologies. He frequently startles his family by making sound effect noises out loud to try and translate them into written words. He has even watched “Helvetica”, the full-length feature movie about the font Helvetica

Grammy® Award-winning musician T.J. Troy has developed lines of symmetry and expression that allow him to move freely between drumming and vocal styles. This versatility in artistry has helped him to create multi-textural comics that blur the lines between music, art, and story creating something altogether different. The themes of loss and redemption play heavily into his comics as he explores the world that America once was, and the possibilities of our society that will be. Check out his comics and music here

CGhirardo sees comics as art and looks to push the boundaries of the medium. Painting in watercolor and finding inspiration in modern fine art, CGhirardo calls his comics “Sequential Surrealism”

That’s it for now, y’all! Stay tuned for more great comics from our amazing crew. Until then, stay safe, and more importantly, stay jammy!

