I’ve Got This Thing, Where I Always Need to be Right

Tales from a narcissist’s daughter

The Collective


maslow’s pyramid of needs
photo from google

Three years ago I was able to move out. Shortly after I flew the nest that I read about Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. What a treat! It’s a pyramid that outlines from bottom to top, what all humans need. Sounds too good to be true.

For the last several hundred years, humans have fought and killed each other over books. Different variations of the same book. Some people from Europe decided a man was given this book by a voice in the sky, and this book was the right one to determine how to live. Turns out, it was just some book written by some dude. All of them. That’s all any of them are.

Either way, the entire premise of this nameless, best-seller is telling us out to live. To not only ensure your life is good, but your afterlife will be good too. You need to be able to tolerate the purgatory-like hell you live in every day and after that as well.

It’s a product whose returns have remained immeasurable, and no one thinks that’s weird.

Anyways, turns out all the books were wrong at worst, and at best useless. We have the answer. Maslow’s been God all long. It’s in this pyramid of needs.

The first time I saw the pyramid I thought, it started with ‘Psychological’ Needs. It’s…



The Collective

Freelance writer, video editor, Youtuber, & Complainer. I promise I’m a lot more fun at parties than these articles make you think. / thesimmybusiness@gmail.com