The Girl Who Killed Her Baby Is Not Evil

This is exactly what we asked for

The Collective


Police talking to a woman in a hospital bed
Screenshot taken from Youtube Video

On January 27th, 2023 news broke of a 19-year-old girl who’d killed her baby. According to reports, she gave birth to the baby in the hospital bathroom and then threw it in the garbage.

According to reports, the baby died in the garbage. According to Alexee Trevizo, the mother, the baby was not crying when it was born. She also claimed to have not known that she was pregnant.

However, according to the nurses at the hospital, she’d taken a pregnancy test that was positive, but denied to the nurse’s that she’d ever had sex.

Expect more of this in America

This story was met with understandable outrage. People were saddened with the death of this baby, and shocked at the actions of the mother. Many of the comments told her what she “could” have done or what she “should” have done. Hindsight is 20/20. Many of the comments were also calling her a sociopath for the disposal of the baby, and her behaviour when being interrogated by the police. People were calling for her to spend life in prison.

Though I am sympathetic to people’s feelings about the story, this is a new reality we should come to expect in America. This is the result of the hyper-religious, puritan society we’re…



The Collective

Freelance writer, video editor, Youtuber, & Complainer. I promise I’m a lot more fun at parties than these articles make you think. /