Learn LLDB in 1 minute

A no nonsense recipe for using LLDB

Mario Emmanuel
The Console
Published in
May 5, 2024


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For some reason most tutorials do not cover straight away the most common debugging case:

  1. load the program,
  2. set a breakpoint,
  3. run it,
  4. inspect variables,
  5. go step by step,
  6. continue until next breakpoint and
  7. repeat.

LLDB in 1 minute

  1. Ensure that you are compiling for debugging. I use -g -O0 as $CFLAGS in my makefile.
  2. Launch the debugger: lldb myprogram
  3. Set up the breakpoint for a function named read_tokens present in file tokens.c: breakpoint set -name extract_tokes
  4. Set the command line arguments: settings set target.run-args file.txt
  5. Run the program: run
  6. Inspect a variable with p I (where i is the name of the variable).
  7. Continue the execution with continue.

More advanced use cases

See the many bloated tutorials in the internet.



The Console
The Console

Published in The Console

This is a niche publication covering classic UNIX programming. It is intended to be used in modern systems such as FreeBSD.

Mario Emmanuel
Mario Emmanuel

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