2 — What can you get here?

I don’t believe in writing long and boring articles which will make you sleep just by looking at the size of the scrollbar.

A Shot from my iPad while it was on my lap. Just a snap

So, I will be sharing a lot about my life. This blog is going to be -

  1. A journal of my life. I will write about my happy, sad and mad moments
  2. Things that can help you groom as a designer
  3. Maybe you can take something away as an entrepreneur. I will share my tools of choice and how I have managed to stay an entrepreneur all this long with some mental challenges in my life all this while. (Read my first blog to get the context)

Hopefully there’s something for everyone who has given this a read for few minutes at least.

I know, I am not here to reveal my identity, but I will always love the fact that this blog ended up becoming valuable for someone. Comments are on — Let me know what you would like to know, learn or chat about.

