3 — What’s your motivator? What’s driving you like anything?

The Creative Entrepreneur
2 min readOct 27, 2020

As human beings, we all have a source of motivation which drives us to do best in what we’re doing. One of the few things which I hate about a few individuals around me is giving up on this “driving factor”.

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It’s seriously very disappointing to see someone who craves making paintings to give up because of societal pressure and work for 8 hours daily in a place it all is not the right fit.

Thought about someone while reading that line? Is that you there?

Yeah? Let’s do something about this.

Everyone has a source of motivation for which they want to live and work. If you don’t have any, you probably are yet to find that spark in something OR you gave up on that thing LONG BACK and you don’t wanna try that again. EVER.

If you find yourself in the second quadrant, do me a favor. Don’t let that die, please!

Even if you wanted to become a pop singer and everyone says you’re horrible whenever you sing. DON’T GIVE A FUCK.

Sing every day like it’s the final day of your life. Sing for yourself, your loved ones, and enjoy every bit of it.

Giving up on your motivator is the last thing you want to do to yourself.

I crave a lot about connecting with people who sort of went missing for a while. I thought it’s better to hide. Not everyone is going to be accepting and kind. At least in my case.

But this thing right here which you’re reading right now allows me to connect with you by keeping my concerns in check as well.

So yeah, figure your ways out. Find something that drives you and doesn’t give up on it.

I would love to know what’s driving you like anything?

