5 — The Night Walk with P. The Space of Calm

The Creative Entrepreneur
2 min readNov 20, 2020

Sometimes all you need is a walk. Me and her…

Wait for a second, I know I want to keep my anonymity in this entire blog but HER sounds weird. Let’s give her a name.

Meet P (I know, salute to my creativity!)
My partner in crime. 4+ years together in love. Still going strong. The entire story of our togetherness will keep coming to you piece by piece. For now, we are talking about the walk.

Photo by Scott Broome on Unsplash

Yeah so walk. We walk a lot, whenever we are staying together. We stay in a metro city, whenever we are together. Yeah, we’re not together all the time. We have a secret life here and we keep going back to our families.

P and I are not fitness freaks going out for a walk in a routine manner. No. We just walk when it’s quiet. Around 2:30 in the night. Our sole motive is to spend some time with cats staying nearby. She packs cat food in a box and feeds cats whenever we spot them. We don’t spot them daily, but whenever we do, it isn’t just one (3+ up to 7 sometimes).

P is also a creative person and we have a lot in common to talk about while walking. Our conversations are mostly about work, family situations, loads of laughs and giggles (some silly stupid jokes), bitching about few people, remembering good times and friends, and thinking of writing a book of our boring story one day.

Well, I don’t know about the book, but I have started it here and you can let me know (after reading some more of my content) whether it’s a good idea or not.

Night walks are stress-free and we feel calm and easy most of the time. By the way, we’re not up until 2:30 in the night. We sleep around 11 PM. Wake up accidentally around 2 and then we go for “the night walk”.

It’s the best way to Calm down and relax in our ever so chaotic life.

