6 — Plans, plans, and plans…

The Creative Entrepreneur
2 min readNov 21, 2020

The thing which I am about to discuss has happened to me a lot of times in the following order -

  1. A new idea strikes my head.
  2. This idea came to while dreaming or while talking to a friend.
  3. I get super excited about how this idea is going to change the lives of certain people
  4. And in some cases, I will end up making some nice money for myself as well
  5. I start planning in my head. I think about how things will start falling in place
  6. It’s a joyride that’s not stopping for the next hour and my mind has taken a dive into an ocean of happiness and excitement surrounded by plans, plans, and plans.

Whoaaa!!! Yayyy! Sooo Coool!

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Well if you have guessed it right, then turn to the next day of my life, nothing happened to that plan apart from me discussing it with few people, mostly P (my anonymous girlfriend here!).

Turn to the next month of my life and I will find it difficult to remember what that idea or plan was.

Turn a few more months on my calendar, I moved quite ahead with it.

This has happened so many times now, that I don’t have a record of how many cool ideas I have missed just because of my laid back attitude. These amazing ideas are either taken down by a client message or a new lead or someone in the WhatsApp group sharing a hilarious meme.

Yeah, it’s all just plans, plans, and plans. And the worst part about it -

I never document it. I never wrote a single letter about those amazing ideas, anywhere.

And now here I am, after reading some amazing advice from the likes of Seth Godin, trying to journal whatever I can.

After years of repeating the same mistake, I have taken a stand to correct myself. I write, scribble, drop myself a voice note and structure it in some form or the other.

I had a chat with my financial advisor (also an amazing friend of mine) and we discussed some opportunities in the healthcare industry in the Asian markets.

This time, instead of just daydreaming about it, I went ahead and -

  1. Recorded our conversation
  2. Wrote a note about it
  3. Started a google doc with initial comments (attached the audio conversation) and shared it with him.

So this time it’s written, and it’s right in front of my eyes.

No chance for this idea to hide in the hindsight. Let’s see how this works out.

Journalling and documenting have worked amazingly well for me whenever I am working for my clients.

But I have never been serious about my ideas. Never took the first step. All I had were just plans, plans, and plans.

Time to change it now.

