Creativity in 30 Days (Day 27) — Arrange Your Space

Richard P John
2 min readJan 27, 2018

​“When we make our art a practice, when we make our workspace sacred and enter it daily with respect and high intention, then we elevate our actions (even if they’re taking place within the profane arena of commerce) beyond ego and above gimme-gimme ambition.”

Stephen Pressfield

The space in which you work is vital to creativity and efficient productivity. It should be both a sanctuary and an inspiration.

Most of all, it should be somewhere you really enjoy being and somewhere you love to be.

Your office/workspace/studio should have plenty of natural light and should be kept tidy and orderly. It may be clichéd to picture a space of disorder, but a quick Google search of famous artists studios will show you a picture of orderliness and organisation.

Your Task:

Even if you think you haven’t found your creative specialism yet, it will be useful to at least think about the type of place you will do your work in.

It could be an entire room in your house, or if you don’t have the room, a place carved out for you in another room. It could even be in a café or in your local library.

Mark Twain did his work in his bed, Mozart often composed standing up at his billiards table (he was also well known as a skilful billiards player!).

Wherever your space is, make it your own , and make it a place for work and work alone.

Extract from the forthcoming book Think It! Make It! by Richard P John of The Creativity Toolbox

