The Culinary Lounge
2 min readJun 21, 2018

One of the most difficult parts of maintaining your Food ID, personalized nutrition profile is tracking the food that you eat on a daily basis. Measuring what goes into your body is a crucial step in any personalized nutrition regimen but who has the time to manually photograph, weigh, and scan everything on your plate? Enter Sensum: the first premium dinnerware platform with built in visual capture and near infrared (NIR) mass spectrometer sensors that scan, analyze and record the food that hits your plate, fork, and mouth.

Sensum Dinnerware


Elegantly hidden into the design of the dishes and flatware, our visual and NIR sensors see what you’re eating and are able to analyze the quantity and nutritional profile of your food. The visual sensor uses image recognition algorithms to determine what kind and what amount of food you’re consuming, while the miniaturized mass spectrometer senses the concentrations of a wide range of nutrition factors including: calories, macro/micro nutrients, fat, protein, sodium, sugar, carbohydrates and fiber.

Multiple sensors on each dish, fork, knife, and spoon work together to determine what food is actually eaten by you, versus what’s left on the plate as leftovers. All of this data is wirelessly transmitted to the Food ID cloud where the data is analyzed and appended to your Food ID diet log. And as we all know, more accurate, detailed diet log data makes for even more precise personalized dietary recommendations.

Back Image of Sensum

Original post by Mike Lee

