The Deloitte Fun Cook-Off

Kamalika Bhar
The Culinary Lounge
3 min readSep 27, 2019

At The Culinary Lounge, we have always maintained that cooking is one of the best stress busters there is. It gives you the opportunity to de-stress and express yourself in ways that are otherwise not possible.

The CPE team from Deloitte came over for a fun cook-off recently. Before we started off with the planned cook-off, the team settled in with some welcome beverages. Once everyone had assembled, we started off with the cook-off. On the menu were Jeera Rice, Veg/Chicken Handi and Kheer. The team of 25 people were further divided into groups of 4. As per the chef’s instructions, the teams got started with their Veg/Chicken handi and kheer. Everyone got chopping and prepping. The mood gradually grew lighter and soon, everyone was laughing, joking, playing and swooning to the music playing in the background. Cooking is such an effective social lubricant that within minutes team members who minutes ago were mere acquaintances, were being jovial and friendly with each other. While the food was cooking we made each team play a blindfold game. A classic yet simple ice-breaking game that helps break all communication barriers. The game helps in breaking inhibitions and building trust and camaraderie between team members.

In the midst of all the merry confusion, the food continued cooking. The chicken was now ready for the final touches as were the vegetables; the kheer was getting perfected and the jeera rice was getting plated. The activities of the evening had helped everybody work up quite an appetite for themselves. Once done, each team set out their works of art for the other teams to taste and compare. As always, in spite of all teams having cooked the same dishes following the same recipes, each had a different taste, flavour and look. The finesse one adds to a dish is his alone and cannot be replicated by anyone else. A buffet was set up of all the food cooked by the teams. Dinner ensued and everyone tasted each other’s labour of love. With their tummies full, the evening was fast coming to an end. However, nobody was quite in the mood yet to call it a night. We turned up the music a notch and feet got tapping. Everyone joined in to dance. They all danced till their feet could no longer hold them and finally decided to call it a night.

It was indeed a fun and merry evening. It always is.

