How to Think Outside The Money Box

Anne Beaulieu
The Curious Leader
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2021

We tend to blame our money box (our bank accounts, the job, the economy, etc.) for our lack of experiencing wealth. But it is just a box; it has no power over the wealth we experience. The real power rests in...

Are you pursuing riches or wealth?

Riches refer to the physical accumulation of money with a disregard for feelings. Pursuing riches means chasing after money, even if it makes us feel miserable.

The word wealth is a combination of two words: wellbeing and health. The concepts of wellbeing and health are subjective to the emotional meaning (more on that in a moment) we each assign to those concepts.

It’s okay to be wealthy.

Wealth consciousness is a choice. Simply put, we get to choose what’s important to us: pursuing riches or being wealthy.

Think outside the box.

Imagine a copper wire running through a wooden box in an endless feedback loop. As the electrical charge is applied, it keeps running through the copper wire until the electrical charge is changed. Keeping that in mind …

The electrical charge you apply to your money box is called feelings. Feelings are energy; they are emotional meanings we assign, and energy always gravitates to the dominant feeling.

If we mostly feel negatively about money — examples of negative feelings can be anxiety, worry, fear, etc. — we apply a negative emotional charge to money, which makes us view money as something negatively impacting our wellbeing and health (aka our wealth.) Negative feelings repel money.

However, if we feel positively about money — examples of positive feelings are gratitude, appreciation, joy, etc. — we apply a positive emotional charge to money, which makes us view money as something conducive to generating and enjoying more wealth. As a result, we feel better, our health improves, and we energetically attract more money to us.

The main problem is, we tend to blame our money box (our bank accounts, the job, the economy, etc.) for our lack of experiencing wealth. But our money box is just a box; it has no power over the wealth we experience.

The real power rests in our feelings, specifically the dominant feeling we apply to money. That’s where life gets juicy!

Juice it up!

Done with blaming the money box for our wealth ‘malfunctions,’ we now turn our attention to feeling more positively about money. Because … It is our dominant feeling about money that directly dictates how much wealth we get to enjoy.

Hire a coach/mentor who emotionally understands wealth.

I remember when I used to constantly feel anxious when I received a bill or had to pay one. That frame of mind did not make me readily available to experience anything else, including wealth.

Back then, I was drowning in financial debt and kept doing what my mother had taught me as a child: pursuing riches. It was a slow death by negative emotional charge.

Emotionally and physically exhausted from chasing after money, I then had a lightbulb moment and did the most sensible thing I could do for my wellbeing: I asked for help.

Thanks to my mentor, I now emotionally understand that we each are the operator of our money box, the person 100% emotionally responsible for our financial situation. We each get to decide how we want to dominantly feel about money.

To recap …

#1 Wealth consciousness is a choice. It’s okay to choose being wealthy.

#2 The money box (or money itself) was never the culprit in you experiencing a lack of wealth. Think outside the box.

#3 Your dominant feeling about money directly dictates how much wealth you get to enjoy. Juice it up!

#4 Leverage positive feelings to build wealth more quickly. Hire a coach or mentor who emotionally understands wealth.

My name is Anne Beaulieu. I am the Financial Emotional Intelligence Coach, Finance Economist, and Chartered Financial Analyst bringing together more than twenty years’ experience in the fields of emotional intelligence, money, and finance. I asked for help to experience more wealth in every area of my life.

How will you learn to think outside the box and generate wealth faster?



Anne Beaulieu
The Curious Leader

Emotional Tech© Engineer | Emotional Intelligence, Strategic Planning, AI Integration, Mega-Prompting & Knowledge Base Building Services