Quiet Quitting, It’s Not Your Fault.

The Curious Leader


Could it be that your company’s profit correlates with executive leadership’s emotional expression?

You Know that employee engagement is the key to building a successful business.

Research has consistently shown a connection between productivity, profit, and employee engagement in companies. The engagement rates of companies are often used by investors when making investment decisions. In 2 years, companies with high engagement rates saw their stocks increase by 50% on average.

Further research from Gallop shows that those companies in the top 25% of engagement also have lower absenteeism, turnover, shrinkage, and fewer employee safety and quality incidents. So, the benefits of creating an emotionally engaged organizational culture and work engagement are immense.

But you know that, especially in this time of #QuietQuiting driving, employee engagement can be a deadly combination of frustrating, challenging, and very costly. Each year corporations spend billions of dollars trying to improve engagement. Yet, Gallup research from 142 countries and 180 million employees has shown that only 20 percent of employees globally are actively engaged.

What went wrong?

For the past three decades, companies have been obsessed with culture. Many companies…



The Curious Leader

Inc Magazine Top 100 Leadership Speaker, Top30 Global Leadership Guru, Inc #1 Podcast for Fortune 500 Executives, The Worlds Leading Meaning Authority