The Path of Least Resistance, Excuses and a Life Half Lived

The Curious Leader
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2017

Excuse my lack of the subtle but the question is…

Do you have the stones to deal with it?

You could avoid it heck, that’s what most people will do, and if you want to be just like everyone else you can tell yourself..’ it’s okay’. But if you know there is something within you that’s been fighting to get out, (your real self, your dragon self), It’s time to take action…

The path of least resistance is lined with the corpses of the mediocre.

Just think about that statement for a sec.

To become free we must be able to overcome the obstacles that appear before us. Telling yourself and anyone else who will listen, how tough it is, does nothing but validate that it’s okay to quit on yourself.

Those who don’t have the courage to stand up for who they really are and what they really want, die having lived lives that are, at best, half lived and all too often sadly forgotten.

These are the forgotten lives of the mediocre, whose fear of offending others has ruled them like a cruel master.

Now, it’s important that you understand something here.

All courage is subjective; so, what’s easy for one person is not necessarily easy for another. It could be the most difficult thing in the world for them.

Stop and take a moment now to acknowledge the courage you’ve already displayed in your life, and at the same time turn your back on complacency.

Because celebrating your success is an excellent thing to do; however, staying in celebration mode when it’s time to move on is like wearing your Christmas hat in February; it gets a little stale.

You know what you’ve got to do, and you know that no excuse will ever really do. So stop with the excuses because I’m sorry to say, no one is really listening to the excuses anyway.

The quality of your life is not measured by the quality of your excuses…

The quality of your life is measured by your commitment in spite of all the great excuses you could come up with.

Listen, It’s never quite the right time, there is always going to be another place that needs the money, and there will always be someone who thinks your crazy for even considering ‘it.’

I don’t know what ‘it’ is that you need to do to fulfill your purpose, heal your soul, or make a difference. What I do know is this; we rarely know the value of something until we’ve been through it! And when you look back on your life, no excuse will have been good enough for you to feel good about not doing what your soul cried out for.

I care about you, not your excuses.

I trust that you found this article valuable. If so feel free to send this to your friends. I eagerly anticipate your feedback and comments. Please share, like, and comment below!

Dov Baron is first and foremost “The Dragonist”. As The Dragonist, he teaches us how to recognize, find, retain, and nurture dragons (top talent) hidden within our organizations.

Want to learn more about what Dov has to offer, and how you too can become a Dragonist in your realm? If you and your leadership team are dedicated to getting the result you set out to achieve in the most meaningful manner, bring Dov in to speak to your organization about the strategic advantages of Dragon Leadership. Go here to get started.

With gratitude,
Dov Baron…

Copyright: Dov Baron International 2021



The Curious Leader

Inc Magazine Top 100 Leadership Speaker, Top30 Global Leadership Guru, Inc #1 Podcast for Fortune 500 Executives, The Worlds Leading Meaning Authority