The Power of Emotional Intelligence in an AI-Dominated World

Anne Beaulieu
The Curious Leader
Published in
6 min readSep 28, 2023

Once upon a time, in a land where robots ruled, Sally, the AI, tried to take a “Human Emotions 101” class. To her surprise, she went into overload. Her circuits could not process the depth and nuance of feelings. Though Sally may have ruled in her world, she could not feel. She could not navigate feelings the way humans do so with ease.

Blending Emotional Intelligence (EQ) with AI

Emotional intelligence (EQ) and AI can synergize to enhance both personal and organizational success.

Here’s what I mean.

AI tools can give us insights into our emotions, but AI will never experience feelings. It can describe the water, but it can never get wet.

AI tools can offer support and tailored training, but AI will never emotionally relate to what someone is going through.

As a result, AI has its limits. When it comes to building and experiencing deep and meaningful relationships, we still need humans.

Responsible AI for all
AI Requires Human Collaboration

Unraveling Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence integrates many soft skills. These EQ skills include understanding, managing, and influencing our emotions and the emotions of others. It is about feeling and much more.

People with high EQ know themselves very well. They know how to regulate how they feel. They are not afraid to show empathy or their true nature. They have adept social skills. With them, what you see is what you get. They are the real deal, and we love being around them.

Emotional Tech© engineering with the team
Emotional intelligence (EQ) Matters

In a world where AI is changing how we live and work, an algorithm will never feel the essence of human connection. It will never get goosebumps or jump in the air with joy. It will never know what it feels like to have a friend. AI is not human.

The Myth: The Ascendancy of AI Diminishes The Relevance of EQ

Many people think that the rise of AI might make EQ obsolete. That point of view neglects that AI has its limits. The fundamental limitation of AI is that it’s NOT human. AI can’t really know how we feel or skillfully manage emotions. It is just not wired the way we humans are.

AI governance with generative AI fundamentals
AI Is NOT Human

So, while AI may excel at parsing data, the profound human capacity for empathy, collaboration, and nuanced understanding is beyond its grasp. To AI, those are concepts. To us, it’s a way of life.

Let me ask you.

How do you figure things out? Think about it for a moment. Feel into your inner wisdom, that quiet voice within. What helps you make wise choices?

Real-world Evidence of the Critical Value of EQ

  • Collaboration in the Corporate World: Google’s famed “Project Aristotle” aimed to discover the secret sauce that makes teams effective. The surprising finding? A high EQ (built on trust and openness) is more important than intellect (IQ).
  • Leadership Excellence: Global powerhouse Johnson & Johnson discovered that emotionally astute leaders are key to managing the workplace with flying colours. That finding led them to create EQ-based leadership programs that tangibly increased organizational performance.
  • Sales & Loyalty: A study at American Express linked high EQ scores in customer service representatives to superior performance. These high-EQ individuals really understood and connected with customers, which made customers feel seen and brought in more money.

AI Speed Can’t Trump Emotion

AI is indeed capable of many marvels. Think of Siri or Alexa. These AI programs can understand human voices and follow our commands. Dall-E uses text to create beautiful works of art. And many AI tools can predict future trends.

But let’s face it.

Speed is NOT Depth

AI is intelligent, but it does not have EQ. It is sophisticated. It has speed. But these two traits do not mean AI has depth. It is the human emotional connection that can give us depth. We both know that AI does not feel.

Emotional Tech© aims to prevent collateral damage.
Collateral Damage

Here’s an example:

A bullet is fast and dumb. It has no morality. It has no ethics to make it question hitting the target. The military calls it collateral damage. AI is positioned to be fast; there will be collateral damage.

EQ: The Heartbeat of Today’s Workplace

In a world where AI handles data, EQ manages the human heartbeat. It ensures:

  • Fruitful Teamwork: High-EQ teams show trust, understanding, and superior problem-solving.
  • Vibrant Work Culture: Leaders with a high EQ cultivate environments where every member feels valued and understood.
  • Empathetic Leadership: In a world with AI on the rise, leaders who can understand and resonate with their teams’ emotions offer invaluable guidance.
Prompt engineering training is part of Emotional Tech©
Emotional Tech© Training

Cultivating EQ in a Tech-Driven World

To thrive in a world where AI and EQ intersect, we must:

  • Become more self-aware: Engage in reflective practices to better understand your emotions. Journaling works.
  • Practice Active Listening: Listening with the genuine desire to understand helps to relate to others. Keep the mind quiet.
  • Engage in Empathy Exercises: Challenge yourself to see the world from varied points of view. Ask yourself, ‘What else could it be?’
  • Master Emotional Regulation: Develop strategies to keep calm in various situations. Take deep breaths and feel the ground beneath your feet.


As we sail forward in the AI-driven era, emotional intelligence stands as a beacon, emphasizing what makes us human, even as technology advances. By nurturing our EQ, we can peacefully coexist with AI. Together, we can pave the path for unparalleled innovation and prosperity.

EQ is more important than IQ.

Here is what Richard Branson believes about emotional intelligence being a beacon: “I think being emotionally intelligent is more important in every aspect of life — and this includes business. Being a good listener, finding empathy, understanding emotions, communicating effectively, treating people well, and bringing out the best is critical to success. It will also help you build a business that really understands people and solves their problems, and it will make for a happier and healthier team too.” If Richard Branson says it…

🌟 Elevate Your AI with the Power of Emotional Intelligence! 🌟

In an age where AI takes center stage, how do you ensure that your technology remains in tune with the human touch?

Dive into the future with Anne Beaulieu, the foremost expert in #EmotionalTech. With her unparalleled expertise, Anne will guide your organization to seamlessly infuse emotional intelligence (EQ) into your AI.

Don’t just keep pace with the digital era; lead it with a more genuine and human-centric experience for both your customers and team. It’s not just about intelligence; it’s about emotion, connection, and true innovation.

🔗 Bring in Anne Beaulieu today and transform the way your organization connects and communicates through AI!

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Anne Beaulieu

Emotional Tech© Engineer

Mega-Prompt Engineering | Generative AI | Responsible AI

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Anne Beaulieu
The Curious Leader

Emotional Tech© Engineer | Emotional Intelligence, Strategic Planning, AI Integration, Mega-Prompting & Knowledge Base Building Services