Three Steps to Freedom From Emotional Debt

Anne Beaulieu
The Curious Leader
Published in
3 min readMar 16, 2023

“Look the other way if you don’t like it.”

“It’s not gonna hurt one bit” is what emotional debt would say to you if it could talk. Like a thick needle about to go through the skin, it will tell you to look the other way, and there won’t be any scars. Lies, all lies.

Emotional debt hurts a lot.

Emotional debt is rooted in shame. Shame is painful.

When a kid falls, we kiss the boo-boo. But if the parent shames that child for wanting that kiss, that need does not go away. It is now rooted in shame.

When we have attached some form of shame to our needs, we will tend to find someone to meet those needs for us. We are not going to tell them that we have shame inside. We will keep it hidden and hope they never find out. That is why emotional debt would say to you, “It’s not gonna hurt one bit.”

Emotional debt counts on you ignoring it.

The addict is not much concerned about the future. In the heat of the moment, they don’t think about the impact of the pain they keep adding to their body, heart, and mind.

Emotional debt does not think much about the future. In the heat of the moment, it will tell you, “So what if 75% of people surveyed agree that emotional debt destroys relationships? Look the other way if you don’t like it. What do I care?”

Emotional debt leaves scars.

Emotional debt counts on you believing that the pain it is causing is nil or will pass quickly, so you don’t have to worry about it. It expects you to look the other way while it hurts your heart, body, and mind. It does not care about the scars it leaves. Its motto is “It’s not gonna hurt one bit.”

Do you feel the urge to solve your emotional debt now?

Here are three steps you can take:

#1 Heal the shame that binds you. Confront your emotional debt.

#2 Be specific about what you need. Make agreements.

#3 Have someone hold you fiercely accountable to meet your own needs.

Confronting your emotional debt requires you to be held accountable by someone who will show you where you have accumulated emotional debt and how to get out of it.

You can’t solve your blind spots on your own because your blind spots blind you to your emotional debt.

No one does it alone.

Your emotional debt wants you to avoid all three steps. It wants to keep lying to you behind closed doors. Will you stand up and take those three steps that will allow you to be free from emotional debt? Let’s chat.

Anne Beaulieu, inspiring the next generation of emotionally intelligent, strategic women through

  • An emotionally intelligent strategic plan (EISP) that meets your needs
  • Strategic emotional intelligence with critical thinking
  • Financial emotional intelligence that confronts and solves the problem
  • Emotional debt relief
  • Financial EQ Implementation of your EISP
  • Financial EQ coaching for corporate and private clients
  • Redirecting your emotional undercurrent toward building a sustainable legacy
  • Holding you fiercely accountable by being the emotional rudder you and your business need



Anne Beaulieu
The Curious Leader

Emotional Tech© Engineer | Emotional Intelligence, Strategic Planning, AI Integration, Mega-Prompting & Knowledge Base Building Services