What’s The Cost of Having an A-hole In The Leadership Position?

The Curious Leader
Published in
3 min readMay 26, 2017

What’s a CRO?

In my latest book “Fiercely Loyal” How High Performing Companies Develop and Retain top Talent, I outline the importance of becoming a CRO.

So what is a CRO, and why do you need to commit to being one?

A CRO is a Chief Relationship Officer. I explain exactly what that is and what it takes for you to become a great CRO in the book. However, the reason why you need to be one is simple: The number one predictor of success, according to Gallup, is the quality of one’s relationships — and that means both professional and personal.

I’m sure you are aware that for the most part, people don’t quit their jobs. They quit their bosses! Therefore, there’s a good chance that in a global job market if you don’t become a great CRO, you will start seeing your top talent exit faster than bed bugs off a burning mattress.

Here’s why: Employees are on to the a-hole bosses!

The latest research from Gallup shows that, as Gallup calls them, “managers from hell” are creating active disengagement of employees and costing the U.S. an estimated $450 billion to $550 billion annually. Just because your employees are nice to you doesn’t mean they don’t think you’re an a-hole!

As Gallup points out, the number one predictor of success is the quality of one’s relationships. The question is; what are you doing to build, grow and develop your relationships. Here’s why: Despite whatever you may think or have been told about Executing the business plan, using the right strategy, deploying the latest marketing launch and or even mastering killer sales techniques, your real bottom-line of your organization is rooted in the quality of the relationship of the people who work for you.

If you truly want to develop a corporate culture of people who are Fiercely Loyal you will need to closely examine how your team does relationships and for that matter if the whole organization is supporting or destroying them.

I trust that you found this article valuable if so, feel free to send this to your friends. I eagerly anticipate your feedback and comments.

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Dov Baron is first and foremost “The Dragonist”. As The Dragonist, he teaches us how to recognize, find, retain and nurture dragons (top talent) hidden within our organizations.

Want to learn more about what Dov has to offer, and how you too can become a Dragonist in your realm? If you and your leadership team are dedicated to getting the result you set out to achieve in the most meaningful manner, bring Dov in to speak to your organization about the strategic advantages of Dragon Leadership. Go here to get started.

With gratitude,
Dov Baron…

Copyright: Dov Baron International 2021



The Curious Leader

Inc Magazine Top 100 Leadership Speaker, Top30 Global Leadership Guru, Inc #1 Podcast for Fortune 500 Executives, The Worlds Leading Meaning Authority